Back to the Abyss

Start from the beginning

Shadows seemed to stir within every crevice and around every corner as everyone trailed behind me. I imagined it was the whisperings of the wind, but I couldn't quite shake the feeling that something was lurking just beyond our tangible realm, watching with nefarious eyes. But that ominous feeling was soon replaced by plaguing thoughts about my old life in this world. My self-pity had swiftly turned into rage, and that rage had turned into resentment. I had half the mind to use my powers to go and destroy the entire kingdom of Tenveriel as revenge. To let my mother rule over the ruins, alone and powerless just as she had made me.

"Hsarohpem would never let you destroy the kingdom... Tenverian souls nourish the hive after all..." The crown wickedly laughed at my murderous thoughts. I ignored it and continued walking.

The humans marveled at the formidable and dilapidated buildings as though they were magnificent spectacles of wonder. While Azathoth and I could have cared less about the view, having seen this place many times before. William was the only one who didn't seem completely entranced, his face being more nervous and contemplative as though weighed down by uneasy thoughts.

"So, Oliver looks like a tenverian now?" He broke the silence, tucking a bouncing strand of hair behind his ear as he jogged to walk alongside us. His light blue eyes shifted between Lucilia and I, lingering on my abyssal features. 

"Yes, his skin is about the same shade of grey as Valarendrik's, and he's got the black and red eyes, the pointy ears, claws, sharp teeth, everything." Lucilia daintily pointed to each feature on my body as she mentioned them. "I'm sure he's going to be extremely excited to see you!"

"I hope so." Williams's eyes filled with trepidation and sorrow as he glanced down. "He blamed himself for what had happened to us in the letter, but I was still the one who killed him." 

"He was corrupted, William..." The ashes swirled across Gwendolyn's face as she compassionately smiled at him. "There was nothing any of us could have done to save him. If anything, you gave him another chance at life. His soul would still be stuck in Sycamore Valley like all the others if you hadn't done what you did."

William sucked in a shaky breath, but remained silent. A glimmer of grief also swirled within Darrell's eyes, as though he was remembering something distant and painful. "I'm happy that you're getting the chance to see him again." He softly spoke.

The sight of the sharp spires and towers symmetrically lining the A-frame main castle suddenly came into view. The eight-pointed star window seemed to gloomily stare down at us, as though something sinister lurked within the darkness behind its intricately woven bars. Thick and gaunt boughs soughed forlornly as though the mighty white tree was crying out to the sullen skies in anguish. I held Lucilia a bit tighter, sensing that something was amiss. 

"Wow... This place is freaking massive." Gwendolyn's eyes grew wide as they peered up at the top spire. "You'd think that we'd climbed up a bean stock to get here!"

An expression of befuddlement fell across my face, while Azathoth and the humans continued to murmur about the place. Shadows began swirling through the ends of my hair as I swiftly glided up the curved steps, leading them through the broken-down door and into the familiar foyer.

"Oliver! Jayden!..." My voice echoed as I called out a few other names while glancing around, not hearing a single peep coming from within the cracked walls. "Sagacor!" I hollered and whistled, confident that my dear steed would faithfully respond... Yet silence greeted us.

"Guys, it's pitching fucking black in there." Darrell said while lingering in the doorway with Gwendolyn and William. "We're gonna be walking into damn walls if we go in."

"I can't see anything either. Do you think we could get some light now?" Lucilia asked while gently tugging on my shirt. 

"Here, I got it." A bright sphere of flames ignited within the palm of Azathoth's clawed hand, casting a fiery glow throughout the large room. "Are you sure we're in the right building?" He asked while taking a few steps up the stairs, peering up the center column. "It doesn't seem like there's anyone in here."

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