Do you want the truth?

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Apparently, Alexandra didn't want to say the truth about what happened when she was young back then to her brother.

Will her brother find out the truth from the boss or from his parents?


Alex saw her walking away from him, but then he grabbed her arm and said, "Do you have anything hiding from, sister? If you do, just say so."

Alexandra pulled away his hand and walked towards the boss room.

Danny came walking by and dragged Alex away.

He said, "Don't mess with your sister. She can sometimes push you out or do something weird to you."

Alex was confused. "What do you mean by "push you out?"

Alexandra said, "What are you two doing? Having sex or something? This is why I hate boys like you Danny. You make things so obvious."

Danny laughed at Alexandra.  "Oh, Alexandra you make it too complicated for me to understand. Be nice, okay."

Alexandra slapped his face and said, "You don't understand, do you? You just pull me into this just to get your attention, wasn't it, Danny? I hate people like you."

Alex calmed his sister down and she pushed his arms away from her.

"Don't touch me like you know me so well. I'm older than you."

Alex looked away and went into the boss room.

Gregory said, "What's wrong, boy?"

"I want the truth. Tell me now. And explain it very clearly."

The boss suddenly explained everything and he didn't want to hold it in no more.

Alexandra came into the boss room and overheard their conversation and she she dropped the ice tea on the floor and said, "HOW COULD YOU? AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME? Now you're going to pay for this, boss."

She casted a spell from the spell book and said, "Erase everything from the past."

Alex stopped her and burned the book.

Alexandra was shocked and said, "You can't burn the book. Give it back. I stole it from dad. Give it back."

Alex still continues to burn it into ashes until everything is all gone.

The boss was flattered by Alex.

Alexandra said, "You've just made your biggest mistake. If dad knew you burned the book, you could be sent into darkness. And now you burned it. You should feel the burn in you within 2 hours later."

The boss finally remembered what she said.

"Don't tell me about that. Is it going to really happen? Are you going to do it, Alexandra? You can't do it. That will tear your body apart."

Alexandra caught his attention and said, "Don't ever burn it again. It could cause you more karma. I suggest brother, maybe this life of yours isn't going to help you out."

His brother said, "I burned it. So what's going to happen? Dad isn't even here."

Danny tried to stop both of them, but Alexandra just created a silence mode for her to not talk to anyone and just punch them for good.

Alex felt her breeze of sadness within her crime.

According to her past, she was never into boys at all, so this why she is going through all this trouble by herself.


Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Nothing to talk about today. Just very tired. But I might do 2 chapters next week since I have break there.


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