Secret Shenanigans and Summonings

Start from the beginning

Not to mention Azathoth has probably incinerated half the abyss looking for me by now... 

Little grey bushy-tailed creatures scurried away in fright while a soft golden glow bled through the trees. The sun was beginning to hang low upon the blue horizon as I emerged from the treeline. The chicken creatures all clucked and waddled towards me as I effortlessly hopped over the wooden post fence into the flowery yard. However, I did not stop to humor my new feathered friends, feeling the urgency grow within myself to get back to my beloved wife. 

My coiling shadows caressed the bright wavering flowers like an unnatural deathly wind as I floated over them and up the stairs leading to the door. Lucilia's puffy eyes glistened with grief while I entered. She was leaning over the counter and sprinkling some sort of small colorful flecks onto a strange pink paste topping the 'chocolate cupcakes' she'd been making. Wasting not even a second, I swiftly swooped her up into my arms and cradled her to my chest.

"Holy mackerel!" She shrieked with a brief twinge of fear in her eyes, sending a wave of little flecks raining down upon the counter and floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to frighten you." Guilt suddenly gnawed at my soul as I recalled how traumatized she'd been, realizing that it probably wasn't the best idea to surprise her like that. My heart crumbled with the possibility that she might see me differently from now on. 

"How could she not after what she watched you do?" The voice of the crown was as gentle as the breeze, yet the words harshly lashed into my mind like a sinister whip.

Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it...

"It's alright. I just didn't hear you come in, that's all." She wiped away her tears and half-heartedly smiled as I carried her into the living room and sat down upon the long squishy seat. 

"How are you feeling?" My claws lovingly caressed her golden tresses behind her ear.

"Well, my cheek and throat hurt, and I'm still a bit shaken up. But overall, I'm alright." She shyly nibbled on her lower lip for a second. "I also decided to cancel with my mother tonight. So you're going to have to help me eat all those cupcakes."

Holding back a growl and clamping my sharp teeth together, I dragged my gaze over her bruised face and throat. The bitter brew of wrath began to bubble within the pit of my stomach at the reminder of what that thimble-witted lowlife had done to her. There was a large reddish mark stretching along her cheekbone and unmistakable finger imprints on her neck. And not to mention the unseen trauma marring her spirit from his forceful violation.

"You have failed her..." The crown delightedly cooed. "If she loses the child, it will be because of your negligence... She'd be far safer in the abyss..."

With a sense of concern and remorse, I placed my tremulous hand over the fragile life growing within her womb. I could never forgive myself if I unwittingly helped fulfill The Elder Graith's ominous prophecy. Not that long ago I would have never even dared to dream of becoming a father. And now, well, I could hardly fathom a life without it. The love I felt for Lucilia and our unborn child was the deepest and most profound emotion I had ever known, and it would destroy my heart if we were to lose our little one.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't get to you sooner." The crown sorrowfully twitched as I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay." Little crystalline droplets clung to her long dark lashes and her nose twitched as she sniffled. "I'm just worried about Ani Tsering. Pema hasn't responded to any of my texts or calls, and I really hope she's okay." A sob wracked her chest as the tears began to freely fall. "I mean, to be a sweet blind elderly woman and get knocked unconscious like that! It's so horrible!"

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