Without a second glance, he opened the creaky door and stepped into the darkness. I could scarcely hold myself together as I sorrowfully strolled down the winding stairs behind him. So desperately I wanted him to hold my hand, hug me, or carry me. Anything that involved physical contact, really. But he was suddenly acting so distant and cold, shunning my touch as though it pained him.

It was so strange, for so long I'd wanted nothing more than to return to my homeworld. To once again see sunlight shining across the mountains and upon the emerald forests, gleaming over glimmering streams and vibrant wildflowers. To smell the sweetness of the soil and feel the green grass tickling my feet. But now that the time had come, I wasn't so sure that I wanted to anymore. My bottom lip quivered as I thought about leaving the man I'd grown to love behind. The man whose arms had begun to feel more like home than earth ever was. 

The foyer was full of sullen faces and sad farewell smiles as we descended the last of the steps. It was no use trying to hide my tears as I went around, taking my time saying goodbye to everyone, hugging each person and giving each child a kiss on the cheek.

"Promise you won't forget about us damned souls." Oliver jokingly said, despite the tears welling in his eyes.

My arms wrapped around his tall frame in a big squeezy hug. "I promise I will remember all of you for as long as I live." I choked out, then reluctantly released my hold on him.

I took in the sight of Rosalie's adorable bouncy pigtails as she stood with an arm curled around Oliver's leg. Her big ruby eyes peeked up at me, and although she never spoke, I could tell that she was sad to see me leave. My hands trembled and tears fell from my eyes, as I knelt down and gently placed the flower crown upon her head. 

"Take good care of this for me, will you?" I softly smiled while caressing her pale grey cheek with my thumb. She quickly nodded then threw herself into my arms, hugging me tightly.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jayden quietly asked Valarendrik. "We sent people to explore that kingdom when we first arrived but none ever came back."

"I am sure." Valarendrik emotionlessly replied, giving no further information. 

Jayden didn't look happy, glancing down at me then back to Valarendrik. "I'll admit, I'm really worried about you guys." He pushed a tight black curl away from his forehead, keeping his hand on his head while he grimly shook it. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

"We will be fine." Valarendrik gently handed him the lantern, then pulled the lighter out of his pocket and gave that to him too. "You may keep these until I return. And I promise that I will return. There is no need to worry for us." He softly smiled.

Oliver gently cleared his throat, reclaiming my attention. His hand slightly shook as he pulled a neatly folded letter out from his jacket pocket, then held it out for me with a sad smile. "I have one more letter for you to bring back home." Slowly, I stood back up and took the letter from his clawed grasp, silently reading the name "William Eskildsen" beautifully scrawled across the front. "Will you place this on his grave for me?" 

The paper slightly crinkled as I held it against my chest, seeing the immense heartbreak and regret swirling in his eyes. "I will, I promise." I softly nodded while tucking it into my dress. 

After saying my final goodbyes and one last sorrowful glance over my shoulder, I reluctantly followed Valarendrik out the giant doorway. The mighty white tree bemoaned in anguish as we walked down the crumbling curved steps, and ashes fluttered like snowflakes in the baleful breeze. 

"Why is Sagacor not coming with us?" I asked once we were out of earshot. Ever since Valarendrik informed me of his plan, I had been hugging and saying goodbye to the corpsen fellow every chance I could. But I'd figured that we'd be riding him to the castle too.  

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