1:Moon and she

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Sitting on her bed, her back resting on the wall beside her bed,she turned the page of the book she was reading.

A hiss escaped her mouth maybe due to slight pain in her neck after continuesly studying for 5hrs for her examination that's a day after tomorrow.

She rested her head head on the wall closing her eyes for sometime.

It was a winter night, everyone was already slept,a faint howling of Wolf's and barking of many dogs could be heard from the woods a little distance from backyard of her house.

A deep sigh escaped her mouth as she opened her eyes and looked outside her window, moon was slightly red peeking behind the trees.

Moon is red.

She thinked.

What are weird night.

A unusual night.

Like something is gonna happen.

She slightly chuckled at herself thinking what the stupid things,she is thinking.

She should stop reading and watching many horror and paranormal things.

Her eyes again landed on her book,she panicked and again began to study,she has too much to learn.

After reading the same page again and again not understanding a single word,a frustrated sigh escaped her mouth.

'i should take a break' she thinked.

Collecting the same amount of courage that a child collect while showing their marksheet to their parents,she stepped down from the bed.

A shiver ran down her spine as the tip of her feet come in contact of cold floor.

Grabbing her sweater from the table beside her bed she make her way towards the stairs leading to rooftop.

A flow of cold wind hit her as she closed her eyes just as she stepped on rooftop.

Her eyes stuck on the moon as a question come in her mind..

"How beautiful is the relationship between the moon and the dark night sky,so contrasting,yet so incomplete without each other."

At that moment the moon began to shine more,the cold air increased it's speed,the howling of Wolf's increased.

The nature has shown a sign..

A fantasy is about to began...

The cold increased causing the girl, return back in her room.

She went in her bed and drifted in dreamland.

Her little pretty face began to shine in her bed due to light of the bright moon, coming from the window which she forget to close.



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