Kissed by Darkness

Start from the beginning

"Don't let the demon take her away..." The crown quietly whispered like the passing of a soft breeze.

My claws wove themselves through the golden threads of her hair, while I swallowed a wave of sadness, trying to cherish these precious moments we still had together. Though I tried to be optimistic and savor what was left of our ephemeral friendship, I couldn't ignore the cruel verities whispering into my mind, harsher than the crown's voice could ever be.

Even though I will greatly miss her, I'll still have to let her go... 

As I wistfully gazed down upon her features, I could not deny that I was indeed highly attracted to her. I adored her bright exotic colors. The beauty of her radiant smile. The kindness of her heart. Her laughter chiming musically through the air. Her sensual body gracefully dancing within the darkness.

Although Azathoth had gifted me with the appearance of a living being, by healing my undead flesh of all rot and decay, I was still very much an abyssal creature of death. And the more I began to admire her, the more self-conscious I became.

I knew that I was no match for her beauty. Even if I was, I had never been intimate before. I had never met anyone who actually made it seem worth the risk of accidently producing an heir. But she was beautiful, living, and pure of heart... 

And yet, I was monstrous, undead, and tarnished. A four thousand year old virgin without the slightest clue about how to enrapture a woman. So, I'd decided that it would be best for her to not know the depth of the affection I felt.

She sleepily yawned, while arching her back and stretching her arms up towards my shoulder, cutting the silver thread of my melancholic thoughts with her enchanting movement. At last those bright blue eyes softly fluttered open, glistening like gemstones in the lantern light, causing my chest to constrict in excitement. She blinked up at me with a drowsy smile, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Good morning." Her soft voice hummed. I didn't actually understand that particular greeting, but I had never asked for an explanation either.

I chuckled at her slumbery state, while a rush of fondness welled up in my chest. "You slept longer than usual." My shadows slowly retreated back into my soul, revealing the length of her alluring frame and sculptured curves.

Her mouth flattened out into a straight line. "Well, I'm not surprised. We've been sword training none stop lately, and it's exhausting." Her cheek pressed against my chest, while she snuggled a little bit closer. I relished the feeling.

It was true. Once her injuries seemed healed enough, I'd been adamant about teaching her to wield her own swords. Not only was it a useful skill in the abyss, but she could bring them back with her to earth. I didn't like the thought of not being able to protect her once she was gone, but took comfort in knowing that if anyone dared to mess with her there, then she could chop off their heads!

"Yes, and that's exactly why I think we should go for an adventure now that you're awake. You know do something fun." I smiled while raising my palm. "Besides, I can tell that Sagacor's been eager to go on a journey." 

I gestured over towards the cave entrance, where Sagacor's large cadaverous head was peeking in from around the corner. He often did so while she was asleep, probably making sure that we hadn't perished or something. His milky eyes reflected the lantern light with a golden glimmer, while he happily nickered and stomped his front hoof once.

A soft giggle rang from her rosy lips. "Is that true, Sagacor? Would you like to go on an adventure today?" She joked while sitting up.

Sagacor immediately whinnied and came clip-clomping in. "Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!" I scolded. He was notorious for knocking over my tables and bookcases like the boneheaded stumblebum that he is.

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