Sleeping in Shadows

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I stared with wide awestruck eyes, taking in the unearthly place. It was so gloomy and dark, yet an incredible sight no less. A ghastly whinny suddenly broke my trance, making me practically leap out of my skin. I jumped and quickly gripped onto the man like my life depended on it. His arm tightened back around me, and a deep chuckle rumbled out of him. 

...Did he just laugh at me?

The horse excitedly pranced over to the trees, despite the man growling "Sagacor" while trying to steer it in the opposite direction. We stopped below the twisted boughs, beside the water's flowing edge. He shook his head while muttering something, then very gently reached his clawed hands up and pried my stiff grip off from around his neck. My legs hesitantly unwound from around his waist, as he carefully slid me off of him and onto to the saddle. 

He said something to me with a warm smile, then gracefully hopped off the horse with his long messy hair swooshing behind him. "Where are you going?" I softly croaked out. My voice was a bit hoarse from all the screaming I'd done earlier. 

My eyes stayed glued to him as he reached up and plucked one of the fruits from the branches. The twigs writhed and hissed as if angry that he'd picked from them, but he paid it no mind. The horse happily nickered, as the man walked over to it and lovingly offered the crisp juicy fruit, while gently stroking it's midnight muzzle. I couldn't help but notice that his claws somehow looked much shorter than they did back in the forest.

Tentatively, I swiveled around, and began to slide from the saddle. One hand was firmly gripping the obsidian horn, while the other was curled beneath the thick black leather of the seat. My good foot made contact with the cool pebbles of the riverbank first, then I slowly slipped my injured foot down beside it. A hiss of pain escaped my lips, as I grimaced from the miserably sharp feeling.

Fucking hell, that hurts...

The man swiftly glided over to me with inhuman speed. One second he was in front of the horse, the next he was at my side. With a small yelp, I flailed my arms and stumbled back from the shock of it. A black wispy mist seemed to emanate out from behind him, as he carefully swooped me up bridal style while saying "No, no, no." 

Holy shish kebabs, he can move fast!

I stared up at him like a dumbfounded goose, as he caringly held me in his embrace. He was incredibly strong, yet his touch was so light. It was as if I were the most delicate thing he'd ever held before, and he was afraid that I might break at any moment. "Come." He quietly said, while starting to carry me over towards the large stones by the waterfall.

The sound of pebbles crunching beneath his boots became silent, as he began walking over the silvery grass and ebon soil. "Wait, w-wait." I fearfully stammered, realizing that he was heading towards a dark cave-like opening within the rocks that I hadn't immediately noticed upon arriving here. His only response was a smile.

I nervously grasped onto him, as we traversed beyond where the waterfall lachrymosely whispered to the river and into the darkness, allowing the gaping mouth of the cave to swallow us up. Everything was pitch black inside, an inky void of nothingness. It was so dark that I couldn't even see an inch in front of my face. He gently placed me down on a cool stone floor, leaning my back up against what I assumed to be the wall... Then he seemingly left me there, alone in the eerie abyssal darkness.

"Hello?" I meekly called out in the dark, the only other sound being the echo of the waterfall outside. Anxiety began to crawl up my spine like spiders up a rope.  "Mr... Um, Creature?" ...Did I seriously just call him Mr. Creature of all things!?

"Yes." His voice came from a short distance away, followed by some soft rummaging sounds. A wave of relief washed over me from knowing that he hadn't left, but the suffocating darkness was nearly unbearable. I suddenly heard what sounded like paper being unfolded right in front of me. "Earth, yes?" He said close to my right ear.

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