"Awwwn don't worry dear Todoroki can get the most expensive cauldron of you just accept the offer" Mina stated winking at Yuki before going back to her potion.

' how can Todoroki help me wait why is he helping me '

"MINA" Momo snapped smacking Mina on the head.

"Todoroki?" Yuki questioned with fear and confusion hinting in her voice.

' wait Momo wants me to work for him '

"Todoroki Shoto" Momo answered walking towards her.

"Don't worry he doesn't bite" Mina assured, pouring her potion into a bottle.

' He is a dragon and I am a phoenix, our kind don't get along and it's not news that he and his band all wanted to become the supreme dragon Lord and they all hate phoenix and if they find one they'll either kill or at least subdued one'

"Yuki you are pale......what's wrong?" Mina asked, looking at Yuki's pale face.

"N....nothing" Yuki stuttered.

"Yuki I know that you are scared but I assure you Shoto is nothing like his father" Momo assured.

' yeah he definitely will not know I am a phoenix unless I reveal myself which I am definitely sure is not going to happen and I need to get my cauldron back '

"Okay I'll do it" Yuki answered, nodding.

"Yipe" Mina clapped jumping around the room.

"I will inform him" Momo said smiling.

"Okay, I will be heading out now" Yuki said turning to the door.

"Aren't you brewing your potion any more?" Momo asked.

"There is no need....I will brew it later" Yuki answered opening the door.

"Shoto will come to pick you up darling" Momo said.

"Okay,bye" Yuki answered shutting the door after her.

The grumbling of her stomach alerted her of her State of hunger.

' Sato's bakery is just ahead '

Yuki made her way to the bakery,
' this place is so busy ' trying to walk into the bakery but was pushed back by the crowd causing her to trip on her gown almost hitting the ground before been caught by a hooded man, she could only make out his eyes a pretty shade of blue.

"Thank you" Yuki bowed.

"Don't sweat it" the man said in a raspy tone as he walked into an alley. Yuki continued walking into the bakery.

"Hey" Yuki waved at Sato as she walked into the bakery.

"Hey, I just got this out of the oven they are my new surprise buns try some" Sato pointed his finger at a batch of steaming buns. Yuki grabbed one and took a bite.

"Wow the way it melts in my mouth is heavenly it has like a buttery feeling good job" Yuki praised Sato.

"Try this" Sato handed her another one from the same batch.

"Okay" Yuki took a bite of the other steaming bun.

"Oh goodness this is amazing it's like a fruity flavour I tasted not 1 but 3 different flavours wow" Yuki cried of joy for the outburst of flavours in her mouth.

"I want to buy them" Yuki pointed at the same buns.

"Okay coming right up" Sato packed some steaming buns into a bag and handed it to her.

"You should really open a Café to your bakery" Yuki said while taking the buns from him and paying for it.

"I'll think about it" Sato said as he gave her, her change.

" Okay bye for now" Yuki said heading out of the bakery.

"Bye" Sato waved at her as she left.

[I'm sorry if the story is wack it is my first time (。ŏ﹏ŏ) okay *inhales confidence* to the next chapter (☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞ - Erichan out✌🏽]

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