"Will you come inside with me?"

"Why?" Luke laughed.

"Please Luke?"

"I don't know Pey. You did ruin our beach day." He joked with me, but in my nervous state I couldn't pick up on his sarcasm.

"Fine. Let's just go to the beach. I'll talk to Calum later." I leaned forward to tell the driver to turn the cab around once more and redirect himself back to his original course of going to the beach, but Luke stopped me before I could give him any instructions.

"No, I'm just joking. Geez Pey, can't you take a joke?" Luke pulled me in close to his side and gave me a half hug.

"At a time like this?" I raised my eyebrow, "no."

"Aw, calm down. What are you so nervous about?"

"What if he hates me?"

"Peyton, it's literally been 10 minutes. I don't know what he could've decided in 10 minutes that would be so awful for you." Luke made a valid point. Calum had been without me for 10 minutes and I doubt that he made any crazy life decisions in that time besides what to eat or how to get Lucy out of the house, if we were lucky.

"Alright, you're probably right." I calmed down.

"I know I'm right." Luke told me.

"Getting a little cocky now, aren't we?" I punched him in the chest.

"Getting a little aggressive now, aren't we?" Luke rubbed his chest to soothe the area that I had hit.

"Shut up Luke."

"Wow, even when I'm not with Michael, I'm with Michael." I shrugged at his comment as the truck pulled into the driveway of the house.

"We will be out in a few minutes." Luke told the driver. It wasn't a normal taxi driver; it was a guy that the record had hired after they realized how frequently we were taking the cab and how much money we were spending on them. In other words, we didn't have to worry about him running the clock and charging us a hellacious amount of money.

I placed my hand on the doorknob and then stopped. "You'll be fine. Just tell him sorry and everything will be alright. You guys have fought so much recently and everything always goes back to normal."

"You're right." I gave Luke the satisfaction of hearing me tell him that he was right, which was rare.

I entered the house and noticed that Lucy's shoes were no longer by the door. I felt a wave of relief when I noticed that and walked towards the back patio where I had left Calum. I reached the sliding back door and heard a moan coming from behind me and I knew it was Calum's moan.

Now, it wasn't like a sexual thing; it was just that Calum always had the same moan. Whether he was sick, tired of frustrated, his moan always sounded the same and it was unmistakable for me.

It was definitely coming from upstairs. He had probably gone back to his bedroom after he had kicked Lucy out of the house. I ran up the stairs and entered his bedroom.

"Calum, I'm-" before I could finish my sentence I saw Calum push Lucy off his lap causing her to lose the grip that she had on his shirt that was still on his body. Her lipstick remaining on his neck telling me everything that I needed to know.

"Peyton, what are you doing here?" Calum panicked, standing up while Lucy sat on his bed, licking her lips and making eye contact with me.

I didn't give him an answer.

I rushed down the stairs to find Luke standing at the bottom of them with a smile on his face. "How did it go?"

"I need to scream." I told him. Molly was still asleep so I couldn't just scream here.

"Then scream." Luke instructed, but that wasn't the answer that I was looking for.

I stripped out of my shorts and Calum's stupid fucking t-shirt and jumped into the pool, submerging myself in the water and screaming underwater, trying to soften the sounds of my scream in order not to grab any attention from the others.

"What happened?" Luke walked over to the edge of the pool, leaning down and easily pulling me up and out of the water as Calum appeared in the doorway.

"Ask him." I snapped.

"What?" Luke was confused.

"I don't feel well Luke. I think I'm going to have to cancel our trip. I'm going to shower." When I said shower, I meant cry. I always cried in the shower because it, like the pool did to my screams, hushed the sound.

I reached the top of the stairs when I heard Luke's loud voice downstairs, "what the fuck did you do this time Calum?"


hey guys sorry about the cliff hanger. hope u liked this chapter :)

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