Jimin's fist loosens on hearing her confession. His cheeks turn red with blush. 

Y/n- Aww

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Y/n- Aww...Mochi is blushing!!

Jimin- Mochi?

Y/n- Yes, as you call me princess, I'll call you Mochi. You like it?

Jimin- No, I don't like it.

Y/n- *pouts*

Jimin- I LOVE IT.

Y/n claps in happiness and embraces Jimin in a tight hug.

Y/n- I love you my cute Mochi. 

She whispers in his ears.

Jimin- I love you more princess.

He whispers back.

Jimin- Come on, let's eat now.

Y/n- Yup. So...

Jimin- So?

Y/n- Aren't you going to feed me in the same way as you did yesterday?

Jimin- *smirks* So you liked it huh?

Y/n- *blushes* a-ahh, no...umm...I mean-

Jimin grabs Y/n by her waist in a swift movement and makes her sit on his lap.

Jimin- Let's start now.

He then plants a soft kiss on her neck to which Y/n hides her face into the crook of his neck.

Jimin- *chuckles* Cute...

Time Skip

Rose was arranging stuff at her home before going to bed when she hears a knock at her door. 

Rose- Who could be there at this hour?

She goes towards the door opens it.

Rose- J-jimin? What are you doing here?

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Rose- J-jimin? What are you doing here?

Jimin- Won't you invite me inside?

Rose- Why should I?

Jimin- *chuckles* Rude huh? No problem, I'll get in myself.

He pushes Rose inside and gets in, not before locking the door behind him.

Rose- What the hell??!! You can't just sneak into someone's house like this!!

Jimin- *dark chuckle* Why are you so scared of me huh? After all, I'm your bestie's boyfriend.

Rose- Boyfriend my foot!! She's gonna leave really soon once she gets to know what kind of a psycho you are!!

Jimin's veins come into full view because of anger. He holds Rose's neck and pushes her against the wall.

Jimin- *while gritting his teeth* Don't try to test my patience!! The only reason for which you're still alive is just that you're Y/n's 'bestie' and killing you will hurt her too much and I can't bear her pain. But if you tried to cross your limits, I won't hesitate to ruin your entire world.

Rose- *coughing* Leave me you jerk!!

Jimin leaves her and steps back while throwing daggers at her by his look.

Jimin- Flat no. 45, Paradise Apartment, Busan.

Rose's eyes grow extra wide on hearing that address. Jimin smirks widely at her reaction.

Jimin- That's where your parents live, isn't it?

Rose- What do you mean??!!

Jimin- *smirks* Try to cross your limits and you'll find your parent's dead body.


Jimin- What makes you think that I won't? If you tried to fill Y/n's mind with thoughts against me, then that's exactly what I'm going to do. You call me psycho, don't you? Then why not show you a better version of it?

Rose falls on her knees and starts pleading to Jimin.

Rose- I won't say anything to her, I promise!! I won't ever come near her!! But spare my parent's life!! Pls!! I can't live without them!!

Jimin- *smirks* Good girl!!





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