Part 22: Run

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"Then just put the tomatoes in." Yu night was on the side. At this time, Shen Qingzhou's cell phone rang. "The right pocket, the phone is taken out."

Yu late obediently opened the apron, reached out to touch his mobile phone, took it out and saw it, the caller showed: Lin Ye and.

Yu late flat mouth, "Hey, big star calls."

Shen Qingzhou looked back and said, "Take it, help me."

Yu night reluctantly pressed the answer button, and then lifted to the ear of Shen Qingzhou, Shen Qingzhou while copying the dishes and responding, "Hey."

At the end of the mobile phone, "Qing Zhou, I am eating out at noon with Tang Yue at noon. Are you free?"

"You two eat, I won't go."

"I heard Meng Meng say that your crew is on a holiday today. What happened? Are you still busy?"

Yu night was holding the mobile phone at random, and unconsciously pulled the phone and Shen Qingzhou's ear away. Shen Qingzhou looked at her and said, "Get close, stand up."

Yu night slammed the phone close to him, and then said with the mouth type, "the speculation is almost OK."

Shen Qingzhou sinks, "Do you want to put something."

Yu late handed the chicken to him, "adding flavor."


Shen Qingzhou, if there is no one, talks with Yu, focusing on cooking, forgetting that someone is talking to him. Lin Ye and the expression on the phone are stiff, "What are you doing?"

Suddenly there was a voice coming in from the ear. Shen Qingzhou thought about it and was still talking on the phone. "Cooking."

"Will you cook?" Lin Ye and surprised. "You never used to go into the kitchen before."

"I feel pretty good now."

"Well..." Lin Ye and Silence, "Will you, there are people?"

"It's Yu night, so I didn't go to dinner at noon today. I have already cooked. Is there anything else? If it's okay, I will hang up first."

"Hey, Qingzhou..."

"Beep beep."

Tang read the leaves and face is not good, and then associate her with the sentence 'you still have people around you? 'It's almost guessed, probably the small screenwriter of the crew is working with our director Shen.

"Cough, even if he doesn't come, then we have eaten."

"Don reading, Qingzhou and the girl are together?"

"I don't know." Tang read is a bit embarrassed. Both sides are friends. He doesn't want to hurt Lin Ye and, but some words still have to be said. "However, Qingzhou really likes Yu late, I see it. "

Lin Ye and the squatting, then silently laughed, "I have known him for so many years, the first time I saw such a Shen Qingzhou."

"Leaf and..."

"Nothing, eat, I am still rushing to the crew in the afternoon." Lin Ye and the low-key cover the tears in his eyes, so it is easy to look at the menu.

Tang Yue sighed in his heart, "Good."

On the other side, Shen Qingzhou made the last dish under the guidance of Yu.

"Tomato scrambled eggs, braised pork ribs, fish-flavored eggplant." Yu late at the table looked at the three dishes, took out the phone to take a picture of this value of the memory, Shen Qingzhou cooking debut.

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