taehyung approached, tapping on the glass as gently as he could.

the man on the other side jumped at the noise, popping an earbud out as he noticed who was there, "taehyung?" his hand cracked open the front door, ushering the older into the studio, "what are you doing here?"

"listen..." his eyes scanned over the half finished drawing that jungkook had been working on, in the corner sat wrapped paintings that were probably being prepped for pick up; he was clearly busy, "i don't want to take up much of your time, i just came by to give you money and to tell you that i don't want you to draw me naked. i was drunk and impulsive and i apologize!"

the younger cocked an eyebrow, a tad confused and dismissive. it was evident that taehyung had read more into the conversation last night than him, "okay?"

"okay and that's it!" taehyung felt suddenly stupid for showing up here so early and with no planned speech. it was only heightened by jungkook's lack of response, his disinterested brunette orbs staring longingly at the ground.

he'd been thinking about taehyung- a lot actually. but that didn't mean he was any less surprised to see him on his doorstep, "were you hungry?"


"food? you eat it? i mean maybe you don't?" jungkook was joking with him, probing him. his stoic face seemed to say otherwise.

"i- i eat! i could eat!" taehyung huffed with his arms crossed, "where? and right now?" he was suddenly aware that the outfit he was wearing wasn't exactly fit for the establishments he usually frequented.

"of course right now! the diner down the street has pancakes that are like the size of your head."

"interesting." tae watched as jungkook dug around for his things, shoving them into his pocket and grabbing the keys to lock up the studio. he didn't seem too interested in having company and yet here he was, inviting another person to brunch.

maybe this was just his personality when he was alone; it was intimidating.

"so, last night was great!" taehyung felt the nerves bubbling up, spilling out word vomit; he could never help himself to silence.

"it went well. i was quite pleased with my number of sales!" jungkook picked at a loose thread at the edge of his shirt, "pays the rent for another month i guess."

it was odd how disinterested he seemed, distracted even, "your girlfriend seemed great! lia, was it?"

the younger popped his tongue into his cheek at the sound of her name, "girlfriend is kind of a strong word."

"how so?" tae noticed the shining silver box in the distance; the flashing neon lights reading diner lighting up the entire block.

the smell of grease that encased the whole neighborhood had him feeling far more hungry than he had been a moment ago but he was desperate to pay attention to jungkook. to know more about this girl and his life and was he a table or a booth person and did he always look so well-rested after a night out?

they walked in silence for the final block, the younger holding the door open and leading them over to a table which seemed to be left specifically for him. he hadn't so much as glanced at another spot, cozying himself into the corner of the booth before finally speaking, "how so?" jungkook repeated the question, obtaining a nod from the male who was now sitting across from him, "we go to things together sometimes but not all the time and we sometimes see each other and sometimes we don't. it's loose! it's casual!"

taehyung hadn't much cared for casual dating. sure he'd tried it, but he'd also hated it. he didn't see the appeal. he wondered if that was the only thing that jungkook was into- if being with him meant that he also got to be with a million other people-

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