Chapter 10 - Ellie POV

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*what I imagine Theo's wolf, Odin to look like - image from google - as all in the story are*

I was bouncing on my toes, I was so excited about today. The first of hopefully many, cooking classes with the mateless men, and any that wanted to join! I have heard quite a few positive things myself about it, especially from the pack females. And, there's already interest in the teen cooking classes, and the pack females would like some too. Sounds like I'm going to be very busy soon.

Since finding out about Missy being a wolf, and her finding out that I'm the future luna, we've put a lot of planning into the classes together. She decided to hire some more help at the bakery, since I'll be so busy with this, and won't be able to make it in often. She tells me I'm going to have a lot more duties once I officially become luna, and honestly, I'm looking forward to it. I love being useful and helpful. 

When Carver and I leave our room, Everett is waiting at the top of the stairs for us, with a happy smile on his face. Eli had classes at his school, he's in college at NC State by the way, he won't be able to make it to this one, not that he needs it anyways. 

The three of us descend the stairs, and Theo is waiting for us. When he sees me, he opens his arms for me to jump into and hugs me. He's like the dad we never had. Eli and I have become SUPER attached to him, and he seems to be attached to us as well. He let's go and we continue on to the kitchen.

When we get there, Missy is at the front where we'll be teaching from, and the men are all at the different stations we set up. They all stand from the stools we left them when they see us come in. They greet us with a warm "Alpha. Luna." That definitely takes some getting used to, but I think I'm starting to get used to it a little.

"Hi guys! I'm so excited for today. I'm sure some of you are probably not all that interested in learning to cook, and I do apologize, but it's such a great skill for everyone, regardless of gender to have. Your very own alpha, beta, and head warrior are all going to be joining every. single. class we have, so don't worry, you most certainly won't be alone." I tell them probably too enthusiastically. 

"Today we are going to start off pretty simply. I wanted everyone to be able to get a feel of cooking, without having to worry about precision and fear of ruining it. These are pretty easy to make. As you'll see, some stations have salsa, and some do not. That's because we're making two variations. We are going to be making quesadillas. They are by NO means authentic, but they are simple and delicious. My grandparents used to make these for us growing up, and the recipe just keeps being passed down. We will have some that are just chicken and cheese, and some that are chicken, cheese, and salsa. This is what we're going to serve everyone for lunch today. So, before we get going. Does anyone have any questions?" I finish.

No one says anything, so I go ahead and get started. 

"So our first step, we will take the chicken everyone sees in front of them, and add it to the big round pot." I do this as well, so everyone can see, and wait for them to finish. "Now, we will add water to cover the chicken. Add about a half an inch over the chicken, to account for evaporation." Everyone adds the water to the chicken. "Now, we are going to put the pot on the stove, and turn it on about a notch below high. Now we wait for 15 minutes until the chicken is completely cooked through. We do NOT want raw chicken. Been there, done that, prefer to never experience that again." I say with a laugh. 

I talk with Missy a bit, and look around the room. We decide to walk around so I can meet some of the people in the pack. We get through most of the tables, and we come across one table, where one of the guys looks COMPLETELY bored out of his mind.

"I'm sorry you're so bored. I think you'll change you're mind once they're all cooked and you can taste them." I tell him hopefully.

"Probably not, this is honestly the stupidest thing I've ever been forced to do. This is such a human thing." He says hatefully.

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