Chapter 9 - Kimberly POV

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*Kimberly, Ellie, and Eli's house*

Myself and the kids have all been with our mates for the past couple of weeks. We've been home a few times, to get clothes and other necessities, but other than that, we've stayed with our mates. Werewolves aren't keen on not sleeping with their mates it would seem. Which is understandable. I feel the same way about not sleeping with Theo. The thought makes me so sad. 

Theo and I have been talking recently, about me moving in here full time. I'm completely fine with it, but I want to make sure it's okay with my kids. That isn't just my home, it's theirs as well. 

Theo and I fully mated last week, and it's been the most incredible thing. The sparks are stronger, I can feel his emotions, and best of all, I can communicate with him thru the mind link. I can also communicate with Eli through mind link as well, since him and Everett fully mated the first night we were all here. To be fair, they had already been dating a few weeks at that time. 

Ellie, on the other hand, hasn't completed the mating yet with Carver. But I believe she's really close to being ready. Weird for a mom to talk about, I suppose, but my kids and I are super close and open. Always have been. 

I sent Ellie a text, and mind linked Eli to meet me at this house today. They should be here in the next few minutes. We need to talk about what we're doing with the house. 

The kids pull up 5 minutes later, and come in the house. I hug them and kiss their cheeks like a crazy person. We all see each other very often, but we haven't really spent much time just the 3 of us, like it's always been, so it's a bit weird. I've definitely missed this quality time together.

"Hey, mom. What did you want us to meet you over here for?" Ellie asks. Never one to beat around the bush that one.

"Well. Since none of us really stay here anymore, and we're all with our mates all the time, I was just wondering, what you guys think we should do with the house. Do you think we should keep it, or would you guys be okay if we sold it? Be honest. Whatever you two decide is what we'll go with." I tell them genuinely.

It's quiet for a few minutes, I can tell both of them are thinking about it hard. 

"I think selling it would be a good idea, mom. You're right. We're never here anymore, unless it's to grab some clothes or things for a few days. Carver wants me to be there full time and fully moved in, so I'm completely on board with selling it. E?" She asks, looking at her brother.

"Yeah, Ev wants me to have my stuff filling up the other side of his closet too. The few things I've brought over aren't enough for his liking apparently. I'm completely okay with us selling the house too." Eli tells us.

So, I text my best friend, Kaley, who happens to be a real estate agent, and let her know I want her to sell our house. She of course agrees, and says she'll be over within the week to start getting it ready to go on the market. I tell the kids to let their mates know that they will be packing up their things, and asking for a few hands to get everything over to our new homes. 

"Theo, love?" I mind link him.

"Yes, my love?" He responds back immediately, and anxiously.

"We're selling. We are all currently packing our things up, if you wanna come over and help!" I tell him excitedly.

"Already on my way!" He exclaims excitedly. I can tell he's very excited about how today has gone. 


We packed up all of our clothing, pictures, important items, and everything except the furniture, and the guys loaded it up into the trucks they brought. Fortunately, since we aren't taking the furniture, it doesn't take very much time to get everything loaded in the trucks. Kaley said the furniture will be good for the pictures and the walk through, and we'll sell it all after the house sells. Not like we'll need it at our new homes. They're already furnished and being lived in after all.

We decide we all want pizza for dinner, so Theo and I run out to a local pizza shop, Bravo's Pizzeria, and grab enough pizza to feed us all. Which pretty much means one for each werewolf, and two for the kids and I, which the guys will definitely eat the rest that we don't finish. 

We get back home and head into the pack house. We go to the dining room where we had the first meal when we told Eli about the werewolves. We sit the pizzas on the table, and everyone comes to eat. 

"I'm so excited for the cooking lessons tomorrow. How do you think the guys will feel about it?" Ellie asks. 

"I'm sure it'll be fine, love. I've heard a lot of positive comments about it from a few of the wolves." Carver tells her. They are so cute together. 

"I'm personally looking forward to it. I can't wait to be able to cook something nice for your mom." Theo tells her. He has been spending a lot of time with the kids, and I love the bond they are all starting to form. I was definitely worried about that at first, since they've really never seen me date anyone. 

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to it too. I know how to do a little bit, when my mom found out I was gay, she wanted to make sure I could do the basics, as my male mate might not know how." Everett tells her.

"Well. You lucked out then, because your mate does know how to cook. It helps having a sister that bakes and cooks, and a mom who was insistent on everyone knowing how to cook for themselves. We used to alternate who would cook when we were younger." Eli tells him smugly. I try to stifle a chuckle, but I'm failing. I love my sassy boy.

We all finish eating and talking, and just having a good time, before we head our separate ways to start unpacking before we head to bed.

I really do love our new family. 

AN - How is everyone liking the story so far? The general idea for the book came to me a couple of weeks ago, randomly, and from there I started planning out my characters, and a few things I wanted to see in the book. I had no actual plan, other than the characters. I sat down to start writing it yesterday, 1/29/21, and the first 5 chapters just flowed out. So definitely curious what you guys think. 

I've never written a book before, especially a werewolf book, but those are my favorites when I'm reading. 

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