Chapter 3 - Ellie POV

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Carver is the most gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes on. I keep subtly pinching myself every now and then, to make sure I'm not dreaming. 

Dinner was so delicious, and the conversation with everyone, especially Carver, was amazing. I feel like I've known him my entire life. Which is pretty crazy, since it's definitely only been about an hour or so. 

After dinner, he shocks me by paying for everyone's dinner. I wonder what he does for work, to be able to afford that. I grab a mint, but I apparently have butterfingers, and end up dropping it. I didn't even notice Carver bending down to pick it up for me, until our hands brushed against each other. SPARKS! Oh my gosh, actual sparks. I probably read WAY too much Wattpad, because  all I can think is "MATE!" I start going back over a few things that happened tonight, that I filed away. 

First he GROWLED when Everett tried to shake my hand. Sounds like a possessive werewolf, if I've ever heard of one. Because that was definitely not a hunger growl, like he lamely tried to claim. Then, when we were talking about my job, he said a "pa...person" no way someone got person and anything that starts with "pa" confused. I wonder if he was going to say pack member. Now the sparks? Plus he smells incredible. I know I read too much werewolf stories, and they're made up, but come on. All signs are pointing to that being real. How amazing would that be. 

I didn't realize I had just been staring at him, until I noticed he was just smiling at me. I'm so weird. 

"You kind of zoned out there. You okay?" he asks? 

"Yeah. Just thinking about some things. Sorry, I'm weird" I say with a slight chuckle.

"I definitely don't think you're weird. I think you're pretty intriguing actually. I'd love to get to know you more" he tells me.

This is my chance. I can maybe find out if he's a werewolf if we spend some more time together. "Sure! I'd love that. Right now?" I ask, honestly probably a little too excitedly. 

"Absolutely! Let's tell them that we're ditching them, and figure out something to do, okay?" He asks.

"Sounds good"

"Hey, E?" I say when we get closer to my brother and Everett, who by the way is very sweet with him. The way he looks at my I bet they are mates too! That'd be pretty awesome!

"Yeah, E?" he turns to us with the biggest grin. I love seeing him so happy.

"Carver and I are going to hang out, so you and Everett can go hang out and spends some lovey dovey time together. That cool?" 

"Really? You sure?" he looks at me skeptically. 

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll text you when I get home, okay? Everett, it was so nice to meet you, I love seeing my brother so happy!" I say to them, and go to give Eli a hug good bye. Then I think, let's test this again, and give Everett a hug also. There goes that growl again, and Everett stiffens. "Calm down, wolfy, it's just a hug" I say as I turn to Carver. He looks at me completely shocked. I'm SO sure he's a werewolf now.


We drive for a little bit, to a pretty nice sized lake. Carver says it's in his "communities property". He hasn't said anything about the wolfy comment yet, but hopefully, he will. 

We've been sitting out on the dock, just listening to the water, and nature, and occasionally talking about our lives growing up.

"Hey, Ellie. Can I ask you something?" He asks nervously.

"Yeah, of course. Go for it!" I say encouragingly.

"Earlier...when we were leaving Everett and Eli... said something. You called me "wolfy". Why is that?" He asks.

"I read too many werewolf stories on Wattpad, honestly. There were quite a few signs that point to you being a werewolf, so I called you wolfy. Are you a werewolf? Because, you can tell me. I'd be totally cool about it." 

He looks completely shocked. I can tell he's thinking over what to say. 

"Yes. I am actually." he says hesitantly.

"Cool. Can I see?" 

"See what?" He asks confused. 

"Your wolf, silly. Does he have a name too, like can you talk to him? There's a bunch of different types of werewolf stories, so I'd like to know what kind I'm currently living in." 

"You are taking this....too well. You can see. His name is Apollo, and we do talk." He stands up and starts backing away. He takes his shirt off, and I can't help but blush. He's got an amazing body. Like, of a greek God. 

"Can I touch him? Like will he be okay with me petting him?" I ask probably too excitedly. 

He chuckles a little, while taking his pants off. I of course blush, as I've just met this man a few hours ago, and here he is taking his clothes off. And I'm a virgin on top of that! "You can pet him. He'd love that. He's going crazy right now, wanting out to meet you, especially since you're so excited about it" he tells me.

He keeps his boxer briefs on, and then it starts. I can see his bones going in angles they shouldn't be. I can hear them. I don't know what is worse, honestly. The sound or the sight. Black fur starts sprouting from his skin, and the next thing I know, there is a beautiful black wolf in front of me, with the most gorgeous blue eyes, that are Carvers.

"Wow." I breathe out. 

Carver, I mean Apollo, slowly starts walking to me. I swear he's smiling at me. I slowly bring my hand out, and touch his head, after he leans it down to be level, since he's about as tall as I am. I feel the sparks again. He leans in to my touch, and I hear him start purring. This is the coolest moment of my entire life. 

We walk back to the edge of the dock, and I sit down, while Apollo lays down beside me, and puts his head in my lap. I continue petting him, while he continues purring. Both of us clearly content. 

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