Chapter 11:

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"Master Kenobi." I slow my pace, allowing Obi-Wan to catch up.

"Must you be so proper all the time?" I stop, turning to face him. I give him a knowing look before shrugging, and carrying on.

"It's in my genes."

"I- nevermind. I need your help."

"With what? Your padawan?"

"Would you please quit being smart all the time?"

"What'll it be, Master Kenobi? You want me to stop being proper all the time, but you also would like me to stop being smart. I can only do one, and quite frankly, I enjoy using my brain." The aggravation I'm causing him makes me smile.


"What? Like I said, it's in my genes."

"Watch it young lady." He gives me a look only a parent would give their child.

"Or what? It's not like you're my father." I slightly quicken my pace afterwards, scared of his reaction.


I only chuckle. "All right, I'll stop. For now." He seems relieved, and I take this as my sign to continue. "All jokes aside Master Kenobi, what do you need help with?"

"I'm going to a planet called Kamino. It has to do with last night's episode. I was wondering if you would like to accompany me?"

"Kamino?" I stop. He has gained my full attention, something rarely done.

"Yes. I was unable to find it in the archives, but Dex swears it's a real place. I sought out Master Yoda for guidance, and he told me to go anyway. A youngling he was teaching suggested someone might have erased it."

"I've never heard of the planet, but Dex is rarely wrong. I do find it strange that it isn't in the archives though, the records are quite thorough."

"All the more reason for you to join this search with me." I knew he was using my interest in the missing planet as a way to convince me to come. Truthfully, he didn't need to, but I would never tell him such a thing.

"Master Kenobi, I would love nothing more. Shall we begin this search in hopes of finding this so-called ghost planet?"

He only laughed before nodding, walking towards a hanger.


"Ugh! I hate having to land in the rain." I had just made a particularly rough landing, and was expressing my anger to C1-10P. He only beeped a response. Something about how he could have done better. I shook my head, running to meet Obi-Wan.

"I was beginning to think you would stay in your ship the entire time."

"I was in a bit of an argument with Chop."

"I don't understand why you keep the old C1-series droid, C4's are much better."

I gave him a dirty look before responding. "Yes, and Anakin believes I should get an R2-series, but I don't want one. Chop is perfectly fine for me. He's practically my best friend. Now leave my droid alone." I didn't give him a chance to answer, and entered the Kaminoan facility.

I almost laughed at the irony I was seeing. The outside was a monsoon, water and rust everywhere, but not the inside. The inside was blindingly white and bright. The sterile surroundings making me want to walk right back into the pouring rain. I was startled by a Kaminoan who was already waiting at the entrance, staring at me and Kenobi intently.

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