Chapter 10:

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I felt my blood run cold. Slowly turning around to face him, I took careful notice of Anakin’s protective stance as he moved behind me. It seems Clovis took note as well.

“Don’t worry (Y/N), I’m married now.” He gave me an insincere smile.

I rolled my eyes, “I thought you were married then too?” I knew I threw him a curveball question, but he was able to keep his composure. 

“It’s never a real marriage between politicians.” The same smile is still there. His whole demeanor disgusting me.

“Yes well to each their own. I suggest you hurry back now, and let us be. Wouldn’t want me to mention this to your wife.” I turn away from Clovis, and motion for Anakin to do the same.

He seems to understand, and goes back to setting up the cameras with me. I watch discreetly as Clovis leaves. I used to respect him, but now I can’t stand him. I shutter at the memory of him trying to form a relationship. That his ordeal with Padmé was strictly a political arrangement. It didn’t phase me the least bit to alert him my sixteen year self was uninterested in breaking the code, and never would be. Alas, if only it was that easy with Anakin.

I close my eyes reminiscing, and Anakin uses this time wisely, catching me off guard when he prompts his question.

“So, what’s the deal with Clovis?” He gives me the most compassionate look I think he could manage. It gives me the idea that he’s dying to know, but will hold back, and won’t push.

I find myself staring directly into his beautiful, innocent blue eyes; helpless to deny him anything. I thought over different words, and decided they weren’t right. I lowered my shields, only allowing him a peek into the select memory with Clovis. He seems composed from afar, but his eyes betray him. The imminent anger seen clearly in them as Clovis’s true colors were revealed to him. 

“Clovis is why you were nervous earlier.” It was a statement rather than a question, but I still nodded in response. “It was a rhetorical question (Y/N). Those require no answer.” His responses were becoming snippy, a sharpness to his tone that further showed his growing anger. “As much as I would like to smack him currently, I must ask now. Do your strict morals on not disobeying the code still ring true now?” He gives me the signature Skywalker smirk, and I watch as the anger leaves his eyes only to be replaced with what seemed to be… desire.

I can only laugh at his question. Only Anakin would view that as important right now. “Only with you Anakin. Only with you.”

“Good, I like that answer.”

“Ahem.” We turn towards the noise, revealing themselves to be Obi-Wan, fist covering his mouth. “I do hope I’m not interrupting anything, but I bring an invitation to continue this elsewhere. The Senators would like to retire. Did you two finish setting everything up?” Leave it to Master Kenobi to ruin a sweet moment. I groan, but begrudgingly retreat from Anakin’s grasp.

“You’re never interrupting Master. (Y/N) was just explaining her dislike for Clovis to me, while we did the finishing touches on security.”

“Ah, I see. Well, come along you two, there will be plenty more time for stories tonight, but nothing more.” He gave us both a stern look, obviously meant as a warning. Anakin laughed at his Master why I could only blush. We followed him out of the room, greeting the Senators as they passed.

Syncing the cameras to the computers, I was met with only blackness. I attempted again, but couldn’t reach any video. “Anakin.” I called out. “I thought you plugged everything in?”

He looked confused. “I did. Why?”

“Are you positive? There’s no video.”

Master Kenobi walked over to see what the problem was. He looked at the screens before replying. “No, I believe Anakin did it right this time. It looks as if someone covered them up. You can tell because the black is more of a fuzzy grey.” He walked towards the open balcony, and seemed to be pondering something. His hand subconsciously rubbing his beard. He finally walked back over. “I suppose tonight we’ll have to rely on our senses. I see no problem for (Y/N) and I, but you may struggle Anakin.” I couldn’t hold back my laugh, and the look on Anakin’s face only encouraged it. 


“Oh hush! I’m only saying that you always seem to be a little preoccupied with thoughts on (YN). It wasn’t meant as an insult, rather a reminder. A reminder to myself, and to you that I must teach you to raise your shields a little higher.” 

The two continued their useless bickering while I started to focus on the computers. While there was no video, there was still sound. I zeroed in on the Senators breathing. It was peaceful, and rhythmic, and made me wonder how they were able to fall asleep so fast. I suppose I was the one being easily captivated currently. When I had finally broken from the trance, the duo had moved onto something else. Anakin was sprawled out on a nearby chair, and Master Kenobi had stepped outside. I shifted my gaze between the two, and decided to join Kenobi. 

“Hello there.” 

“I haven’t even fully stepped outside yet. Sometimes your abilities scare me.” I walked up, and stood behind him. 

“Your signature gives you away. You’re very tense. I can only assume it’s because of Clovis being here?” He glances at me, and raises an eyebrow.

“Yes, the incident is still very relevant in my mind.” I go to say something else, but stop. My senses telling me something is near. Something troublesome.

“I sense it too.” Master Kenobi turned, rushing into the Senators bedroom. 

I’m a few paces behind, and make it there just in time to watch Master Kenobi jump out the shattered window, hanging off something, presumably a droid. Anakin darted out the room so he could help his Master, while I just stood there, but eventually settling to help Cordé ease Padmé from her fright, all the while ignoring the stares Clovis gave me.

One thing is certain…

They weren’t frightened ones.

(A/N) Guys, I’m sorry for taking so long to post. If you follow me, then I’m assuming you know why it took so long. Hopefully this won’t happen again, but I can’t promise anything. Also I believe this is my longest chapter yet, so hurray for that accomplishment. Anywhos...Bye!

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