Chapter 4:

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I stood at one of the many balcony type places at the Temple, focusing on nothing in particular. Instead I was yet again lost in my thoughts. I kept thinking back to what Master Windu had told me after Sunday’s training. It had been three days, but my mind still lingered on the moment. His words echoing as if they had been said three minutes ago, not three days.

We had just finished the day's lesson, and I was feeling guilty for beating him...

“I’m sorry.” I give him a sympathetic look. 

“About what (Y/N)? You currently have nothing to apologize for. Well, unless it’s about your outfit.” I know based on his tone that he is joking about my outfit. At least I hope he is.

I decide to play along anyway, assuming he is indeed joking. “Hey! I like what I wear. It’s functional, yet comfy. Not to mention how good I look in it.” 

“But it is not anywhere close to the robes a Jedi should be wearing.” I have nothing to retaliate. Master Windu has never liked what I wear.

I chose to avoid the suffocating, complicated robes, and went for something much simpler. Jeans and T-shirt, always supporting a matching flannel no matter what the weather feels like doing. The only part of the traditional Jedi outfit I chose to retain was the belt, and more out of need to hold my jeans up. It’s safe to say I will never win “Best Dressed Jedi” from the Council. My only vote would probably be from Master Kenobi, and only then because he would feel obliged. In fact, the more I dwell on the matter, the more I’m grateful “Best Dressed Jedi” doesn’t exist.

“Ahem.” I’m startled from my thoughts by Master Windu. “As much as I detest interrupting ‘(Y/N) is stuck in her head’ time, we need to talk.”

“It wasn’t that big of a deal. I was just apologizing about beating you. Eleven times.”

“Oh, that- that actually makes sense. Thanks. Although that isn’t what I wanted to discuss.”

“I- What is it?” I feel like a youngling about to be sent to the meditation chamber after getting in trouble.

Master Windu, presumably sensing my distress quickly adds,”Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble. No, I actually bear good news.”

“Oh?” My interest has peaked.

“I’ve recently been talking with the Council, and we believe you’re ready to face the trials.” He gives me an excited look; something very uncharacteristic of Master Windu.

My mind is completely overtaken by shock. “A-Are you sure?” I manage to speak.

“I’ve never been more sure about anything my dear padawan.”

Am I really ready to be knighted?

“Ah, (Y/N)! You are just the person I was looking for!” I’m interrupted by Master Kenobi’s cheerful voice. I force myself out of my mind to answer him.

“Master Kenobi! Always a pleasure. Why were you seeking me?”

“I just wanted to thank you for standing up for me in my absence the other day. My padawan came home flustered about -and I quote- ‘some dumb padawan know-it-all who’s taken it upon herself to act like my kriffing Master’. He didn’t realize I was in the room, and I took it upon myself to extract the whole story from my padawan here.” He points to Anakin who is beside him, giving me more attention rather than the conversation happening around him.

“Well Master Kenobi, I take great pride in being compared to someone such as yourself. You are an example Jedi, who only in my dreams, I could ever be like.” I make sure to make direct eye contact with Anakin the entire time I play the role of picture perfect padawan.

Obi-Wan chuckles before responding. “See Anakin, some padawans know how to respect their Masters.” I know Obi-Wan is joking, but the look Anakin gave me would leave me on the floor dead. Again. Obi-Wan speaks again, and -most likely noticing the tension- abruptly changes the subject. “So, what were you thinking about before we walked up?”

Anakin immediately sparks interest in this conversation, already knowing I won’t deny Master Kenobi the peak inside me head. The tiny bit of my secrets he so desperately wanted; that I so desperately avoided.

I just managed to grasp all of Anakin’s attention.

And I kriffing love it.

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