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Oh my MAVIS!! I'm so sorry everyone I lost my iPod which is my only way of updating/writing on wattpad. I'm trying to get a laptop, cuz then that would be SOOO much easier!! But it'll take so time. Anyway I promise my iPod will be apart of me from now on so I can update as much as possible! Thank you all for being patient!! Your amazing ^_^

Anywho without further delay! Here's the prolog to start off part 2! ENJOY!


The night was a long night for Y/N. filled with kisses and feelings, fun and laughter. But the more items that Y/N withdrew from her bag the nearer she came to the point in the night where she would choose just 1 out of the 6 guys to actually continue a relationship with. this made Y/N BEYOND nervous and stressed.

You don't want to hurt any of their feelings, but you couldn't exactly have a relationship with them all! that would be wrong! You'd be the known as the town slayer player or WORSE!

Finally it came time. The time you secretly dreaded the whole night. Time to choose.

You sat there silently thinking to yourself, And to make sure your thoughts were actually to yourself, you cast a mind blocking spell so a certain someone couldn't blab out your decision before you could put it into words.

"Hmmmm...." You hummed aloud, you were looking down at your hands as you twiddled your thumbs in a circle around each other.

You glanced up to see all 6 boys staring at you. You swallowed hard and could physically feel yourself shrink into your chair.

'Oh god, do they have to stare like that!'

"Well? have you made a decision?" it was Gajeel who finally cut the silence.

You didn't answer though

'Ok Y/N. You have to choose now, you can't delay anymore.' You thought to yourself.

You thought about every guy as an individual. Their personality, their attitude, the way they treat you, and so much more.

Your biggest thought was though what would your life be like being with each one.... indeed each one would lead you down a different way of life but which one could you actually live with!

You thought and thought. THOUGHT AND THOUGHT and then

"Ouch! My head!" you grabbed your head with both hands.

"Are you ok?"

You just smiled "I'm fine"

"Are you sure?" your head was pounding so hard that you didn't really recall who you were talking to.

Looking up you found yourself scanning the boys then your eyes locked with his. Immediately your face heated up and your heart started pounding. You were now smiling like some fangirl (even though you are HAHA)

'He's the one'

You stood up in a flash making almost all of them jump in their own skin.

"I've decided!"

"Who is it then Y/N!" Laxus asked, he seems a little irritated from waiting.

"Yeah who?" the others joined in

"Well it was hard to figure out..." you admitted "I was really scared of hurting any of your feelings but I have to think of my own feelings, sorry if that sounds selfish.." you scratched the back of your head.

"Whoever you choose Y/N we'll still be friends" Natsu blurted

"Really?" You questioned

They all nodded

'This makes things so much easier' you smiled

"Ok, well....." you began "This person I haven't been able to get my mind off of since the beginning of the day when we were all at the beach" you were blushing now "he also has me feeling things I never actually understood until now.... And ever since he kissed me I've felt complete!" You placed your hands over your heart in hopes of calming yourself.

All the slayers were leaning forward, so much so that they would probably fall over....

"I choose...."


The Slayers: BRITTY!!

Me: I'm sorry for leaving it like that but I have to leave room for Reader-Chan to choose!

Cobra: Your Evil! There.... I said it....

Me: *bows head in defeat*

Natsu: just get on writing the rest of part 2 before you have a riot on you hands!

Me: aye... >_<

WELL I hope you enjoyed the prolog to part 2!!! I'll be writing the Rogue x reader part 2 first because I find his character is easy to write, maybe cuz he's ALOT like one of my best friends ....hmm oh well KEEP READING MY LOVELIES ^_^

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