"Ok I'm ready" Violet nervously walked out from the bathroom "Guys, I really don't know about this one"

Violet was dressed as a Playboy bunny; she was wearing a black latex bodysuit with a white bunny tail on her rear, black fishnet tights, a bow tie choker with a white collar and bunny ears. It was an extremely revealing costume with her entire leg on show as well as her arms and cleavage.

Violet never told her friends this but she was quite insecure of her body, she never brought it up because her friends always seemed so confident in their own skin. Violet on the other hand felt that her hips and thighs were too wide and that she had too much fat on her upper arms - don't even get her started on her stomach. She wasn't 'oversized' per se but she wasn't as slim as Hermione and Ginny and had extremely fluctuating weight that she tried to cover at all costs. This costume on the other hand had no room for hiding, she was all on show.

"Merlin's beard! Violet you look incredible - you have to wear it" Hermione praised. "I've got some black heels that would go perfect with this costume"

Hermione ran to her dresser and rummaged around a bit before reappearing with a pair of black block heels, she placed them in front of Violet's feet and she slipped into them.

"Put on some of my lipstick" Ginny chimed in grabbing her lipstick and applying it to Violet's lips. "Perfect".

The three girls stood in front of the mirror together and chuckled between themselves. After she had got over the initial shock of her costume Violet was actually quite looking forward to the ball.


The girls were meeting the boys at the Great Hall so they left the common room and made their way there. Once they reached the bottom of the stairs they stood outside the hall for a few moments to take it all in.

The hall was practically shaking with the volume of the music inside, the house tables had been overturned and pushed to the edges to make space for the dance floor and refreshments area. The enchanted ceiling reflected a misty full moon, swarming with bats and the floating candles were dimmer than usual to add to the atmosphere.

Despite this being called a 'ball' by the school, it was really anything but. It was nothing like the Yule Ball with classical music and gowns, it was more like a school wide piss up. The teachers left the students to their own devices on Halloween - it was an unspoken rule that the Halloween ball was unsupervised. The teachers knew there was no point trying to resist it because the students would find a way around it anyway.

The twins used to spike the drinks, I wonder who'll do it now?

"Blimey, you three took your time" Ron grinned jogging over to where the girls were. Ron was dressed as a scarecrow; he was wearing a red checked shirt with denim overalls over the top, he had strips of yellow fabric poking out of his sleeves to resemble straw (Violet couldn't help but think how similar it looked to his Yule Ball suit) and he'd painted yellow patches on his face.

"Ginny you look really... nice" Harry said as he appeared from the crowds. He was dressed as a vampire; he had on a white shirt with a black waistcoat, black trousers and a red velvet blazer. He'd painted his face white and had fangs in with fake blood around his mouth.

"You look, nice, too" Ginny blushed.

"Come on then you lot, shall we dance?" the group headed into the middle of the dance floor and started to jump around to the pounding music.

After a few songs Violet spotted Luna and Neville in the crowd and moved towards them, Luna was dressed as a fairy and Neville was Frankenstein.

"Hey Luna, Hey Neville!" Violet hollered over the music, still jumping.

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