Chapter 7

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"Don't ever fucking touch her again, she's mine, she's mine" 


Were the only things words that replayed in my head. He healed my cut and held me while I slept. Why?

Draco was never the type to ever show affection. I never got affection as a child and even as a teen. My mom died on my 12th birthday and my dad came and left at the time but was now gone.

------4 years ago-------

"You're a nobody, Amara"

I never did anything to my dad so I don't know why he acted that way towards me. Maybe he was just hurt because of my mom?

"You should've died instead of her"

He was just hurt that's all. Right?

"YOU'RE MOTHER IS ALL I HAD AMARA, YOU-  YOU THINK I WANT YOU?" he said his last words with a scoff. I just stood with my head down. "I could give less of a shit about you Amara" my heart ached as those words came out his mouth.

My dad broke my heart before any boy could. I start tearing up and looked up at his face

"What did I ever do to you dad? I loved you"

"Be born Amara. I and your mother were happy before you came along"

"WELL, THAT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU WERE IRRESPONSIBLE" I felt a hard hand hit my cheek.

"Don't forget your place, Amara, you talk to me with respect" That day was the first day I tried to kill myself.

Estella ended up finding me before I could try anything.

Sometimes I thought to myself, maybe it was for the better that my mom had died. He was abusive and my mom had no way to get out. He hurt her, hurt us. My mom did a lot for me and was the only person I had. Now, I didn't have anyone, not even myself. 

 I never told anyone about him because I didn't like being vulnerable. I never fully trusted anyone. I had the mentality that everyone would leave me. That I wasn't capable of love. Yeah, I would say "I love you" to my friends but did I ever mean it? No, I didn't. I didn't think anyone was capable of loving me either. Especially after now. 

I just sit there rethinking everything. Yeah, I hated him but that doesn't mean that I didn't need him. I would see dads and daughter playing around. Little girls running around playing with the biggest smile around their faces running around with their dad. I never had that. As I said, I loathed my father but I believe no matter how much you hate a parent, you will always need the love and affection of a father and a mother.


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Clarification, when I said that's not my fault you were irresponsible that means that he (dad) should've use protection while having seggsy.

Always And ForeverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora