Chapter 6: Natalie Discovers Herself

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Log Entry #3 (Natalie):

I finished reading this piece of history on the Sorcerers and Wizards. It all sounded so absurd, yet I couldn't help but believe what I was reading. It felt real to mean...all at once. When I held that book in my hands, I felt energy...something.

I've been having strange visions lately. Strange feelings lately. Things that don't make sense. Images of my parents. Images of Lancaster Adams. Images of all of this.

If I don't hurry up, we may never save the galaxy. I have to use this power for good and learn how to use it. I have to stop these people who are trying to crumble the galaxy once again, or I can just end up just like Lancaster Adams.

I won't allow it. I cannot allow it.


I am not perfect. I am not a leader. But I am asked to be a leader. I have no idea what I am doing, but I have to do it. And I will continue to do it. That is what is asked of me.

I sat beside Nathan in bed in a bunk on Valor. I held onto him in silence. Just hoping it would cure all of my confusion and frustration.

"What's our next steps?" I asked him.

"I'm...really not sure." Nathan sighed.

"We have to take these guys down."

"Yeah, we do." Nathan sat up in the bed. I followed.

"What is all of this?" I held energy in my hand, a ball of energy with a full force.

"I don't know. I know we read that book, but it all seems crazy, but look what you have right here in front of our eyes. So it cannot be false. It is right here. Some form of this exists." He held up the book.

"How do I wield this for good?"

"We're gonna have to find this out. But I think you can use it to help us take down the Chaos and Spider Group. You are capable of great things."

"I hope so." We laid back down and sat in silence again, thinking of the next day and what was to come.

It would be goodness.


I found myself in a training facility with Emily, Nathan, Rebecca, Wally, and Amy, and a few other members of our faltering group of democracy.

It was time I reveal myself. I put my palms together in the nearly empty room as balls of flame came out. I concentrated them and held them still. "I have something here."

Everyone in the room was stunned in amazement. "What the hell is this, Natalie?" A random patron said.

"The key to our success." I smirked. "I've read more, and dug deeper into the texts that Emily gave me. I can train you. All of you. We can all become this. If we dig deep enough, I can teach you all how to wield this magic, this sorcery, this wizardry."

Everyone sat stunned in silence.

"Who would like to go first?"

Wally stepped up, as confident as he ever was. "Teach me, Natalie."

"I sure hope I can."

The training was to begin.


Casting spells and wizardry. I had no idea what I was doing, but in a matter of a few hours, my trainees found their own energy. They put their palms together and concentrated their own energies and possibilities and they found it. They were no experts, I have no idea why I was an expert. It was in my blood. Who's blood? Who's blood is it? I have to find out. I have to take a visit to the archives...find what is left. There has to be something, right? No, they probably destroyed it all.

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