Chapter 11: Our Idealistic Heroes Remain Cautiously Optimistic

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Log Entry #3 (Nathan):

We have built it up and our time is almost over, for this one adventure, for this beginning of an endless journey. Journeys are never really over and people are never really gone. My mother is gone. My father is gone. But they aren't ever really gone. I'm right here and now and I am the evidence that they are still here. But that means I can't just shake Lamphis off my shoulders. It is part of me too. But that's okay. I've accepted that. Accepted it as much as I can. I don't feel any pressure anymore. I'm just looking to find my soul and my place in all of this. And I think I can achieve that, everyone is lost. Literally and figuratively. We have a couple more stops to make to help find the lost and damned and broken. This is the situation in which we are in. And that's okay. In some ways, maybe this is better than the world we once knew. The damage is done and now we can start anew.

I'm able to take a breath and find what I need, what we need. We will find it. That's what really matters in the end. Money, objects, things, none of this is going to bring me happiness. I just want to survive, I want to be happy with Natalie and Emily and the rest of our crew. I want the rest of our crew to bring everything together and start something that has never been done before. That is the dream. The dream will be achieved.

We have two more stops to make: Ulto 85 and Orito. Ulto 85 is a cyber planet, filled with the latest technology and all of the newest gadgets. None of that matters now. Orito is more behind on the times. A jungle terrain, humid, small villages are what the planet is made up of.

This is it. The final journey for now. And then we build. We remain optimistic and we build what is in front of us. We make it something special and change the world or we fail miserably. Either way, we tried something new. We tried to make the world better because that's what matters. Our time is limited in this galaxy and I need to make the world a better place before it is too late. We have opportunity to seize.

What is my purpose?

I've found it. Have you?


Landing on Ulto 85 was like landing on a new galaxy. It was nothing like any of them had seen before. It was a cyber world, filled with neon lights and neon signs and virtual displays. It was not as though the Gang had never seen the wonderful technology the galaxy had to offer, but this was that tenfold. It was something special and new.

It was also another planet on the verge of complete chaos and destruction. It appeared many fighters were on the ground fighting off the creatures who were once human. Many of these Techies had taken their chips out a long time ago, knowing the dangers of them more than anyone else. So, they survived. Fortunately, it appeared they also had the highest class weapons. Laser gadgets galore. Natalie was excited to get into the fray.

She landed the massive Uncharted and they strapped themselves up with the firearms they had and several detonators to throw right into the hordes of creatures.

"Y'all ready?" Natalie said. Everyone nodded in silence and said nothing. All of them were terrified, except Natalie. She was always prepared. Always ready for the worst to come and willing to live through it. She didn't see it as a bad thing; she saw it as a new, beautiful challenge. Nobody like her quite existed. Nathan was in awe.

All of the buildings on Ulto 85 were large skyscrapers it seemed, ones filled with virtual billboards advertising some product that nobody actually needed but they wanted you to think you needed it. That was the beauty of a fascist capitalist world. Don't complain, stay quiet, get a job, work your forty hours, get that check, buy some shit, pay some taxes, fucking die. Ulto 85 was the embodiment of those principles, except maybe work fifty-sixty hours to bring the latest tech to the Galactic Public. They needed it, they craved it. Without it, they had nothing. It was a beautiful drug to consume. It wasn't a villain or a hero, it simply existed with its purposes being good and bad. That was the shame of it all.

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