Chapter 4: Our Idealistic Heroes Fight Chaos

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Rising up in the morning, the same typical routine. It happens each and every day. But on certain days, things are different, for better or for worse, and you remember the beauty of that routine. It is completely monotonous and useless, but we have to do it: shower, bathroom, brush teeth, eat breakfast, drink coffee, whatever it may be. That is what it all is. Sometimes, it feels like that is all life is. That boringness, that routine, that might be the best it can be. And maybe that is okay.

Except today wasn't a typical morning. Today was the morning of an attack by the Chaos Group and Spider Group. Today was a day of reckoning for the planet of Hielo. The people of Hielo who remained, who stayed behind to fight, were gathered in the meeting building. President Natalie Noble stood in front of her podium and took a sip of water.

"It has been two weeks. Two weeks of strength and idealism. Two weeks of training. We were in this room two weeks ago and I told you of terrible news. Today, in an hour, we will be staving off attacks from these terrible men and women. From a group of people who don't want anything good for this world, they are merely interested in taking us backwards, in taking us back to square one. We have built something beautiful here on Hielo and our other bases. A genuine and true liberal and representative democracy where we can work together, all of us, as one, to build something beautiful, to give people equality, food, housing, and the comforts and needs we all need to live a just and honest life. Today, we have to fight against those who want to strip this away from us. A group of monstrous beings who under the crumbling of society, albeit a previously unjust one, want to keep it crumbled. They want us to fend for ourselves. That isn't how a just society works. We need to work together and we need each other to form a representative democracy that is beautiful. And we will achieve this. I believe in this mission and I know all of you do as well. You stayed here to fight for what we stand for here on Hielo. And today, we are going to defend it with all our might. We will succeed! We will achieve victory! Now, get into positions and prepare for battle!" President Natalie Noble stepped down from the podium and Nathan gave her a hug.

"I'm proud of you, honey." Nathan said.

"Don't be proud yet. We have to win."

The people of Hielo stumbled out of the town hall building and rumbling was shaking the building. A black and gold ship was flying by. They were here, they came early.

"Everyone get into your positions immediately! The attack has started early!" Natasha yelled. But it was too late. The blasts began.


And just like that, half the population of Hielo was wiped out by the massive bombs of the Chaos and Spider Group. They had come for a quick surprise that none of the intel the Phoenix Group had could have prepared for. The town hall building was obliterated.

Natalie, Nathan, and Natasha came out of the building with seconds to spare. Natasha's leg had been blown off. She wasn't going to make it.

"Natasha!" Natalie exclaimed.

"Leave me. You need to lead your people. I trust you." Her eyes closed and she was gone, just like that. There was no chance here. Survival was futile.

Natalie yelled out to her people, anyone at all that could hear her: "Everyone get into your positions, get into your assigned ships, and fire, fire, fire!" Everyone sprawled out and ran as fast as they could as more and more bombs fell. Everything that Hielo was, its frozen tundra beauty, a beacon of true and honest democracy, was being thrashed right before their eyes. Buildings were burning, people were dying, people were screaming in pain. They had to fight. It was the only option. They had to fight.

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