shinsou x reader

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Rating: 16+ for language mostly (I think?)
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi/F!Reader
Warnings: Language, awkward Shinsou, Monoma is a pain in the ass but we love him, Kaminari is a meddling fool, Shinsou has immaculate taste in music and I will take zero criticism about his preferred playlist thank you.
AN: Listen, this is just me feeding off my belief that Shinsou likes new wave and the Smiths and shit and I just can't let it go. I wrote this for this month's BNHarem collab, and I was really planning on going the NSFW route with this but I just got in my feelings about Shinsou so this is what happened.

The sound of banging woke you late in the afternoon.
You groaned, rolling over in bed and rubbing at your eyes. You supposed you'd slept later than you liked, but it was your day off, and you thought you deserved a lie in. You couldn't fault whoever it was for making so much noise, feeling almost thankful you hadn't slept the day away completely. The noise was coming from the apartment next to yours you yawned wondering when someone had moved in, it has been empty for a few weeks now the last tenant thankfully moving out and giving you a little peace and quit if you hear one more episode of greys anatomy through the really thin wall  you were going to rip your hair out.

   standing you shuffled to the window glancing outside you see the moving truck parked in the lot below "today I guess" you muttered letting the blackout curtain fall back over the window surounding the room in darkness again. bleary-eyed you made your way 'to 'the bathroom to take a shower you clicked on your speaker  and turned the shower on to get ready for the day.

once you were clean and dressed  you shuffled to the kitchen for some coffee you were interrupted by a nock on the door you didn't think twice as I made my way to the door and pulled it open "hey" he had purple eyes and lavender  hair he was udderly hot to " my name is shinsou hitoshi I just moved in next door" he pointed his thump in the direction toward his apartment and bowed a little you then realized you were probably being super rude so you bowed back "Im y/n sorry I just woke up a little bit a ago" you smiled at him a bit felling your checks heat up in embarrassment he chuckled "I hope it's not because of me I didn't think anybody else He chuckled. “I hope that’s not because of me. I didn’t think anyone else kept odd hours like I do around here.” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry.”Shaking your head, you smiled. “No, you’re good, dude. I didn’t want to sleep all day anyway, it throws me off. It’s nice to meet you.”“You too. And good, I didn’t want to make a bad first impression. I wanted to come and introduce myself, and ask you a dumb question.”“No stupid questions, only stupid answers. What’s up?”He gave you a small smile. “I haven’t had a chance to go grocery shopping yet, and I’m in desperate need of some coffee. Do you happen to have enough grounds for a cup that I could borrow?”“No coffee? That’s a sin! No problem, I’ve got you.” You opened the door a bit wider, stepping aside. “Come in, I was just about to make a cup for myself.” You hoped it wasn’t weird to invite him inside, but it felt rude to leave him in the hallway.You waved your hand, shuffling off to the kitchen. “Do you have one of those fancy machines, or you just need grounds and a filter?” Turning, you saw him leaning against the kitchen doorway, his arms folded over his chest as he watched you. You tried not to let your eyes linger on his biceps, as tempting as it was to gawk.“Grounds and a filter. I wish I could afford one of those fancy ones, but…” He trailed off, shrugging.“It’s probably for the best, those little cups are bad for the environment.” You stood on your toes to reach the coffee in the cabinet above the coffee pot. “You want dark roast, medium, light? I have flavored ones too.”His eyebrows raised in surprise. “It looks like I came to the right neighbor.” He cleared his throat. “Whatever you’re okay with giving up is fine. Beggars can’t be choosers.”

ou looked at him for a moment, deep in thought. “You look like a medium roast kind of guy.”He laughed as you turned around, searching the cabinets for a Tupperware container. Finding one with a matching lid turned out to be a challenge, but you were finally successful. You dumped half the bag into the container and sealed it shut, grabbing a stack of filters and placing it on top.“Oh, you didn’t have to give me that much. I should be able to go for groceries tomorrow.” His eyes were wide when he saw how you’d filled the container.“Nah, don’t worry about it. Think of it as a housewarming gift. If you’re anything like me, one cup isn’t going to cut it.” You grinned. “Plus, I prefer the light roast. The medium is just here for when my mom comes over, she thinks the shit I drink tastes like water.”“She’s not wrong…” Shinsou teased. 
“Oh shut up, you don’t know me well enough to fuck with me yet.” “You’re right, but someday.” Grinning, he took the proffered container. “Thanks again, you’ve saved my life.” “I should get back, I’m not done unpacking yet. I just needed a break and I didn’t feel like venturing out to find a coffee shop.” Nodding, he shot you a grateful smile. “I’ll have to check it out.” Clearing his throat, he frowned. “But if I go there, what will I use as an excuse to come talk to you?

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