You want to what? - chapter 2

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Hello! I'm starting to hope more people read this story. But I'm not to worried as I write these for myself as well whenever I'm bored ;)

I got 6 reads on my chapter!! I didn't think anyone would read this book.

So thank you to those 6 people

Anyways let's carry on


"Will you be joining me lord third?" Inoichi said. "Of course let me go on the left side of him."

As Inoichi and lord third entered the boys mind. They were in a sewer like room they walked around a bit until they felt like they were going in loops.

"This is a lost cause. I've never seen a mind like this one before." The man said. "Let's walk around for just a few minutes" lord third said.

As they kept walking they finally got somewhere with a gate. "Maybe we go through there?" Lord third said. "Maybe let me try" Inoichi said.

He got towards the gate and saw many locks. Maybe this is where his memories are it doesn't seem hard to get into, but I'll need the boys consent in order for it to let me in.

"It won't budge I'll need this kid to give me his permission. It seems he blocked these out on purpose. But I don't know why. What could be so bad?" The pony tailed man said.

"Mhmm let's wait until he's awake I'll ask a doctor how long that will take." 


"You know you have to let them in eventually"

I know but I don't want them to see...I don't mind them knowing I guess but what if they want my dad to see too? I can't let him know just yet.

They've been wandering for hours it's about time you wake up to give permission after that you can ask for some more rest.

Minato seems worried about you. Even when he doesn't know you at all. 

I know but what even happened how am I in the past? What did you do? I performed a Justu  that can make one go back in time I only can do it twice though.

I didn't want you to die either, and in that case me as well.

If this is to save the future...I can't do this not alone again. I know everything about them while I'm just a stranger to them. It hurts.

I can't look Kakashi in the eyes the way he died still pops up in my head it makes me want to scream. And obito I still hate him but he's not the obito I know. And Rin knowing what happens to her just makes me sad.

Look kit, we want them to believe your good. So please let them in already. I'll be there when they watch your memories. I'm here for you.

Thanks Kurama, I guess I'll  try and wake up.


"So did you guys see anything?" Minato said. "No we didn't he wouldn't let us see his memories. It's almost like he has them blocked off." Inoichi said

"Well can't we wait until he wakes up?" Inoichi  said. "We could but we just don't know how long that is." Said the soon to be hokage.

"Why don't we ask the nurse?" Rin said. "I'll go get her." As Rin went to go get the nurse, the boy in the bed started mumbling everyone turned their heads towards the boy. 

"Who are you guys and where am I?" Naruto said. I have to at least act like I'm clueless.

"You're in the hospital in the village hidden in the leaves." The middle aged man said. "But judging by your headband you already knew that didn't you." The hokage said. What's your name?" Inoichi asked. "I'm Naruto" he said. "Last name?" Inoichi said. "I prefer not to say." Said Naruto

"We need to check your memories. How did you guys find him again? Minato?" Lord third said.

"We found him unconscious in the forest he was about to die so we brought him here to be healed." Said Minato.

"Do you remember that naruto?" Said Inoichi. "I remember seeing them but I only remember waking up just now."

"Hey I'm back with the nurse!" Rin said. "Oh he's awake?" The nurse said. "That should be impossible he was just low on chakra and he was unconscious" the nurse said

"Yeah, I heal really fast" said Naruto. "Well do we have your permission to search your memories?" Said the hokage

"Yes, but in one condition" said Naruto "and that is?" Said Inoichi. "I don't want him to search my memories with you guys." Said Naruto

"Hey! I'm the one who found you!" Minato said slouching. "I know but I don't want more than two people" he lied.

Inoichi and lord third walked up to Naruto. Inoichi put is hand on top of his forehead and started doing his Jutsu.


Inoichi and lord third entered narutos mind. Naruto was waiting for them.

"Hello Inoichi and lord third. This is my mind scape it's where I go to relax and talk to a certain someone..." said Naruto

"What do you mean talk to someone?" Inoichi said.

"Hello Naruto, did you finally let them in?" Said kurama

Inoichi and lord third stood in shock and in fear at the same time. "That's the nine tailed fox. how do you have it I thought it was inside kushina"

"As you see my mementoes everything will make sense. Kurama is just here to support me he means no harm trust me" Naruto said

The three of them walked down a path to the big door with locks. As Naruto performed a jutsu to undo the seals both the hokage and Inoichi stared in awe.

"Okay right through here it will display my memories in a line." I'll explain everything if you have any questions.


Hello! I'm sorry this chapter came out a little late I was super busy this weekend. I kind of ran out of ideas on this chapter a I know it was a little boring but I'm trying to get the story to the good parts

Word count: 1100

This chapter was a little smaller than planed but I wanted to get to the war explanations tonorrow.

Anyways have a marvelous week~


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