Chapter 39-My Weapon

Start from the beginning

She was the only one who could save herself now.

My heart shrunk into a stone as whispers began filling the air, seductive but edged with something rotten. It was temptation, it was greed, it was what that man with coal eyes and a withered heart died for.

I instinctively pulled an unconscious Molly against me as the whispers got louder, filling the air with a syrup of hatred, thickening and suffocating the atmosphere. The sky grew dark and I got a hint of what Saya was fighting against.

"She's not going to be able to do it by herself, is she?" I murmured, holding Molly even tighter.

"Molly, you're asking me to give up my happiness for you. All for this girl. Is she worth it?" I muttered in her ear. I knew she wouldn't respond.

But I knew what her answer would be.

I kissed Molly's forehead gently, caressing her pierced eyebrow before gently setting her down.

Then, I walked over to the girl with the intent to take that rotting thing away from her.

And place it inside me instead.

My life be damned.


I thought they would completely recede from the first blow. But they were persistent. They came reeling back, angrier than ever, buzzing with newfound hunger.

For a moment, I thought I had heard the scream of a man, one who had lost at his own game.

Still, I was losing. The memories began to fade, Kakashi's name began to disappear, and the voices eagerly awaited me, their rotting arms and gaping eye sockets ready to feast and devour.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted inside my head. I felt chaos building inside me, dangerous and irrational and blinding.

I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I can't win-

The voices were shoved back roughly by a powerful force, a will that was not my own. A green hue tinted my vision, warmed my skin and brought breath back into me. I knew who this was.

I shoved the feeling away, rejecting it.

"No, get out of my head!" I screamed at him, why was he helping me, didn't he know he would die too-

He resisted, exposing his memories, the weapon he had much larger and fighting with enough power to conquer their glassy hate-

"I'm no good for you," he whispered.

"Shut the hell up. You're pathetic." Molly spat, fire in her eyes. He almost smiled. His girl had always had spunk, a wild one she was.

Which is why he had to let her go.

"I'm protecting you."

"You're being a coward, you asshole. Admit it. Admit you're weak. Screw your past. I live in the future, you good-for-nothing piece of-"

Now rage shot through him, making him grab her shoulders. She knew just the buttons to push to rile him up.

"Molly, shut up." He said, his arms trembling with the urge to punch something.

"No. You can't keep doing this. You started this, so you can't expect me to be good. You are breaking me. Do you understand? You are-"

He slanted his lips against hers, searching for the answer he could never find. Somehow, he always found it when he was tasting her, when he was touching her-

"I need you, you idiot."

"I know."

The dark shadows screamed and I watched one actually burn away, the intensity of the memory powerful and blazing with emotion that the darkness could not comprehend. But there was no way he could do that with just his mind without tainting it a little bit. That darkness had to go somewhere.

He was trying to be a martyr. Because Molly asked him to. Damn it.

I snapped.

Like fire set off by gasoline, my eyes flamed and glowed as bright as any prodigy of my clan. Right then, it felt like my whole self had opened and expanded, revealing new parts of me, parts that burned to fight and to win and to save those I cherished. I wasn't going to lose here.

Raw power surged through my veins, and at first, I didn't know what to do with it. But now I did. Now, I would save Green-Eyes and myself.

So I used my own memories.

Molly and I on adventures. My old village burning to the ground. The wrongs the man with the coal eyes had done to my clan. The dismissal my own parents had given me. The blows to my confidence and the betrayal handed to me by others.

The friends I had made. The team I would cherish forever. The village that changed my life. The man that loved me.

I love him too, don't I? My lips tugged into a weak smile, my heart soaring.

I threw it all at the unbearable darkness like it was own being, a bright, burning globe of all that made me who I was. It was my light at the end of the tunnel, and it torched its way straight into the shadows.

For a moment, it was quiet.

Then, the most deafening sound in the world pierced my ears, and for a moment, I went blind.

Then, everything went black.

Yeah, I'm a Bully, So???(Kakashi Love Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now