Skye joins the Paw patrol

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Chase POV
Chase: Marshall did you hear that?
Marshall: Yes, it sounded like Someone screaming.
Chase: I Will go check it out.
Marshall: Ok, just be careful ok?
Chase: Of course I will Marsh!

I walked to the forest where the sound came from. Then I came to a cliff and saw a wolf standing and was just about to pounce a little Cockapoo.

I pounced the wolf and started barking.

Chase: Attac someone in your own size!
Wolf: Another tasty dog!

I showed my teeth and the wolf got scared and ran away.
I walked up to the Cockapoo.

Chase: Your safe now.
Cockapoo: T-thanks.
Chase: No problem!
Cockapoo: W-whats your name?
Chase: my name is Chase, whats yours?
Cockapoo: M-my name is S-skye.
Chase: Hi Skye you need any help to get home?
Skye: I don't have a home.
Chase: You can come with me, come on.
Skye: Really?
Chase: Yes is course! Can you walk?
Skye: My legs hurt after all that sprinting so I don't think so.
Chase: No problem I can carry you!
Skye: Really?
Chase: Jump up.
Skye: Thanks
Chase: No problem!

Skye POV

(Skyes thoughts) He carried me to a big tower.
Skye: What is this?
Chase: This is the lookout.
Skye: Its so big:
Chase: Yea.
Skye: Its already dark.
Chase: Yea, you will have to sleep in my pup house tonight!
Skye: Really??
Chase: Really
Skye: Thanks!
Chase: No problem!

We both got to sleep and I snuggled him until we both got to sleep. I fell in love with him just by seeing him the first time. But he does probably not feel the same way.

Chase POV
(Chases thoughts) wow she snuggled up with me and fell asleep very fast! I fell in love with her first time I saw her but the probably don't feel the same way!
Chase: Good night Skye!
Skye: zzzzzzzz
Chase: Yep she's asleep.
Then I fell asleep to both snuggled up together.

Next morning:

I woke up by my normal time but I decided to let everyone sleep because I was a bit sleepy and fell asleep again.

Marshall POV
I woke up by 8:30 and almost jumped!
Marshall: Chase is supposed to wake us up 7:30.
I walked to his pup house. It was open I looked in and saw him with another pup. I imideatly ran to Ryder and told him.
Marshall: Ryder! Ryder!
Ryder: Yea Marshall what is it?
Marshall: Chase is in his pup house sleeping with a Cockapoo pup!!
Ryder: Yea I know.
Marshall: how?
Ryder: I saw him come home with the pup on his back. She seemed very tired and he had just saved her from a wolf he said to me.
Marshall: why didn't he take her home?
Ryder: she didn't have one so he let her come here and sleep in his pup house with him.

All pups: (except chase and Marshall and Skye)
Ryder! Ryder!
Ryder: I know I know! Chase is sleeping with a Cockapoo.
All pups: how did you know?
Ryder: (Explains it all again. I am to lazy to write it again sorry).
All pups: Ok Ryder.

Ryder POV
I walked to chases pup house and woke him up.
Ryder: Chase, Skye its time to wake up.

They both woke up and looked at Ryder.

Chase: Oh no I am so sorry Ryder but I was tired and....
Ryder: It's ok Chase. You were tired and wanted all pups to sleep more.
Chase: Yea and I am sorry.
Ryder: It's ok.
Skye: Good Morning Chase and Ryder!
Chase and Ryder: Good morning Skye.

We all went in to get breakfast.

Nobody's POV
Chase: Is this new food Ryder?
Ryder: Yea!
Chase: Oh gosh Skye you ate up faster than rubble.
Skye: sorry it's just I haven't ate food for a week.
Chase: Then I understand.
Ryder: Hey Skye are you afraid of heights?
Skye: No I love heights!
Ryder: Do you wanna be our aviator pup?
Skye: Do I? I would love to!
Skye: does that mean I get to spend more time with Chase and you guys?
Ryder: Yea
Skye: Yaaaaaaay.

2 years later.

Comes in the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be doing at least 3 chapters a day so be aware of uptades daily! I will make a truth or dare paw patrol show to when so I have gotten a little more in to this one! Bye and stay safe!

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