They each walk around the couch to sit down as if they're in a field that has land mines planted everywhere.

"I'm fine, just tired." I respond quietly, looking down at my hands. "I'm going to ask you guys which is which. Can you tell me if I'm wrong?"

"Of course." He quickly nods, giving the other two a look.

"Okay." I slowly look up at him with shaking hands. "You're Luke, that's Ashton, and that's Calum...right?"

"Yes! That's correct, Margo. You're doing amazing. We brought you an ice water because we didn't know what you wanted to eat." He hands me the styrofoam cup after placing the straw into it. "If you don't like, or want it, then we can go out and get you something else."

I slowly take a sip of it and shake my head. I had a few good days, but after those three good days came a week and a half of bad ones.

I have six and a half weeks left. I only know that because I have it written down on my calendar hanging above my desk in my room.

It's like a constant reminder that I don't have much time left with them, and that hurts.

"Can we record?" I whisper, looking up at their faces for any sign of approval. "I know it's a weird request, but I don't only want to remember the good days. I need to remember that there were bad ones too."

Luke slowly nods and I set the cup down before grabbing the camera and turning it on.

I slowly grab the remote and turn on the television before finding a song to play. I scroll through my lists and finally find the song I was looking for.

"Why are you choosing this song?" Luke looks at me with a smile as I set the remote down and turn to him.

"This is a happy song. I think we could all use a happy song today." I smile at him before turning to the camera. "Today is a bad day, and the cure to a bad day is always a good song. So, I present to you, The Spins."

I begin dancing around as the others watch me with confusion and admiration

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I begin dancing around as the others watch me with confusion and admiration.

"You look insane." Ashton laughs as Calum and Luke give each other a look.

"I'm having fun, you need to try it sometime." I look at him and he rolls his eyes, a smile spreading across his face.

Luke turns to Calum, a smile on his face as they talk quietly. I try to focus on what they're saying when I'm distracted by Ashton grabbing my hands.

I snap my head in his direction with a confused look as he smiles. "Let's dance."

"No, you dance with Luke. I call dibs on her." Calum stands up and Ashton drops my hands.

"Fine, but I'm the better dancer." He tosses his hands up in defence.

Calum grabs my hands and spins me around like a ballerina in a jewelry box. I laugh loudly and uncontrollably as he continues to waltz around the living with me.

Shot In The Dark [Book 1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ