2.5 - Learning Self Defence

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"Are you high? Margo you need to get on set in fifteen minutes and you're high." Noelle hurriedly runs around the house trying to get everything together while I lay in the couch.

"I could be dead, so this is a good thing." I roll my eyes, barely holding on to the fact that I'm actually alive after what all I did last night. "Speaking of which, where's Koleton? Isn't he supposed to be my bodyguard or something?"

"He's off at the shooting range, scheduling an appointment so you can learn how to shoot a gun." She sighs and I sit up faster than expected.

"A what?! I'm not going to a fucking shooting range. Those places are for rednecks and police. Both of which are kind of bad people, might I inform you." I scoff and she groans, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Look, I'll cancel the recording today since you're high. I'll just say that you're sick, but if you pull this shit again I'm telling Jeff." She shakes her head, typing something on her phone.

As she leaves the room, I lay back down onto the couch and let the warmth envelop me as I attempt to drown out all noise. Before i can fully relax, she grabs my arm and pulls me up from my meditative state.

"You're going to the boys' house until Koleton gets back. I have to go do my actual job, which isn't being a baby sitter." She drags me out of the house with a milk jug full of water in her opposite hand. "You're lucky you're wearing sweatpants and a tank top with socks, because I'm not letting you get any other clothes or shoes. And I know you don't have your keys so you're going to be stuck at their house until Koleton gets here."

She walks me towards the guys' house and knocks loudly on the door as I shiver from the cold breeze. After a few moments, the door swings open to reveal a tall white guy that sure as hell isn't any of the guys.

"Who the hell are you?" Noelle furrows her eyebrows in disgust as the guy's eyes look over the two of us. "Never mind, move out of the way. Calum!"

She pushes past him and enters the house, clearly not thinking before acting. I follow her against my will, seeing as she's dragging me along like a mother with their child.

We enter the kitchen to see the guys with another random guy and the female that I met the other day. The one Calum mentioned doing drugs. I remember seeing her at the club a few times, but we never directly spoke to each other.

"Calum, you're baby sitting her." She shoves the jug of water towards him as if they're divorced parents trying to figure out a schedule for their joint custody. "Make sure she drinks this because she's higher than a fucking groupie at Warped Tour. Call me if you need anything, Koleton should be back soon."

With out another word, she leaves the house just as fast as she showed up. Leaving me standing in the middle of the kitchen with three random guys and a few other people I call my friends despite barely knowing anything about them.

"You're high?" He raises his eyebrows and I roll my eyes grabbing the jug of water from him.

"Is the sky blue, Calum? I'm going home, you all look busy." I scoff, walking away from the kitchen and slamming into the guy that opened the door. "Move you fucking tree! God, I'm fucking tired of men."

I shove past him as he gives me an offended look, Calum following me. "Baby- Margo, you can go upstairs and sit in my room. I'll be up in a few minutes."

His eyes are filled with concern, emotions and other thoughts that I can't manage to detect so I sigh and give in. "Fine, you get six minutes before I leave."

He nods triumphantly before planting a kiss on my forehead and walking back into the kitchen. I turn on my heel to walk towards the stair-case, noticing the random guy that opened the door staring at me.

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