1.8 - I Needed You

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"I have to go! I'll be back soon!" I call out through the house as I hurriedly grab my jacket, journal, phone and keys.

I attempt to pulls my skirt down as I run down the stairs, tucking my band t-shirt into the waistband.

After the call this morning, my brain has been buzzing with questions.

I stumble out the door, trying to put my shoes on. Koleton is following me since he apparently has nothing better to do and it's getting annoying.

"You don't have to follow me everywhere I go. You know that, right?"

"It's my job." He vaguely responds and I roll my eyes.

I run up to the guys' house and knock on the door, nerves coursing through my veins.

"Pizza's he- Margo!" Ashton gasps swinging the door open. "Give me a hug, kid! How have you been?"

"Lonely, what about you?! You're taller than I remember." I pull away from the hug and realize his whole aura is different.

"Yeah, we were away for a while. Come in!" He slides out of the way, allowing me to enter the house and I hold the door open for Koleton. "Abe looks different."

"Ash, this is Koleton. He's replacing Abe temporarily. He refuses to let me go anywhere alone." I vaguely explain, walking into the living room. "Where is everyone?"

"They're outside. We got back early this morning." He leads me through the house.

I try to listen to what he's saying, but i stops in my tracks when I hear Calum's laugh.

"Yeah, Calum told me. Do I look okay?" I grab Ash's arm and he looks at me with a puzzled expression.

"You look fine, why?" He asks and I feel my heart pounding against my rib cage. "You're nervous."

His eyes widen with realization and I feel a wave of embarrassment wash over me.

"A little."

"To be fair, he wouldn't shut up about you on the way over here." He laughs softly and turns back around, walking towards the back door.

"Is he different?" I ask softly, realizing they've all been gone for over a year. "I mean, did he change?"

"For the better."

I nod, trying to reassure myself as he opens the back door. Koleton walks out before me, following Ashton, as I follow him. I turn and quietly close the door as Ashton speaks up.

"Guess who's here." He calls out, a hint of a smile in his voice.

I turn around and realize Koleton and Ashton are both blocking me from looking at the other guys.

"Well clearly not the fucking pizza, like you said." Michael snaps, clearly irritated at Ashton's lack of food.

"Is it this guy? Is there something you're trying to tell us?" Luke snickers and I try my best not to laugh at his comment.

"No, asshole." Ashton scoffs, he reaches back for my arm and pulls me into their view. "It's her."

"Fucking hell you got hot." Luke's eyes widen as he stares at me. He quickly smacks his hand over his mouth once he realizes what he just said before turning to Calum, who still hasn't looked up from his phone. "Cal, look at her."

Calum glances up from his phone, looking over at Luke, who gestures towards me. His eyes scan over Ashton before landing on me and his jaw drops.

He stands up from his seat, a lot taller than I remember, and walks up to me. He pulls me into a hug without another word and nearly squeezes the life out of me.

Shot In The Dark [Book 1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat