0.2 - The Golden Girl

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"You have an interview today and after that we're going to a meeting. Make sure you have everything you need." Jeff orders from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I'm getting up now." My response causes him to mumble something and hang up the phone.

Jeff is usually really adamant when it comes to my schedule. One time I tried convincing him to let me sit on the left side of the car but he refused. His excuse was the fact that I always sit on the right side of the car and even the slightest change could throw the whole day off.

I set my phone on my bed-side table and place my hands over my face. I'm exhausted after everything we have been doing for the music video the past few weeks. I hear my phone buzz and I groan, rolling over to look at it.

I notice a few people have followed me on Instagram, as usual, but one person in particular catches my eye. Calum.

There's no specific theme to his Instagram, unless chaos counts as one. Not to mention, puberty was beyond generous with him, and it's possibly just getting started.

I scroll through his page, accidentally liking a post. I gasp, quickly unliking it and tossing my phone towards the end of my bed. I get out from under the blankets, running to my closet out of embarrassment.

"Maybe i should get ready." I mumble, pushing through my clothes. I finally finish doing a subtle makeup look and brushing my teeth, grabbing my phone and walking down the stairs.

"Who was that boy?" Abe smirks, teasing me about the fact that Calum was the only person I bothered having a real conversation with during the music video shoot.

"Which boy?" I ask, despite knowing exactly who he's talking about. He shakes his head, trying to hide his smile so I speak again. "Come on Abe, don't leave me hanging. Even the media knows that I'm a player."

My joke gets him to let out a hearty chuckle and it makes me smile.

"The brunette boy, Calum. You two seemed really close." Abe explains and I nod, raising my eyebrows to seem like realization has hit me.

"Oh, you mean the bassist. He's alright I guess, he's got a good personality." I turn my back to him and grab a glass out of the cupboard so he can't see my smile. "Why do you ask?"

"Well you two just seemed to know a lot about each other, I just assumed you knew him from when you lived in Australia."

Abe has always had my best interest in mind, that's why I love him. He doesn't smother me like everyone else. When it's just us you would think we've been best friends for my whole life. He enjoys seeing me step out of my comfort zone, even if that means he has to reel me back in.

"Yeah, I knew him when I lived back home." I confirm his theory, filling the glass with water from the sink and turning around. "That doesn't mean we're friends though. We both have changed a lot and you know what Jeff says, friend ships are distractions. Especially at my age."

"We both know you don't listen to anything he says. Also, don't drink tap water, you have a perfectly good fridge that gives you water. Tap water can't possibly be good for you." He takes the glass from me and walks over to the refrigerator, filling it up before handing it back to me.

"Okay, next I'm going to bathe in gold and eat diamonds." I roll my eyes, taking a sip of the water before quickly spitting it out into the sink. "Abe, this tastes horrible. I'd much rather drink tap water."

As soon as he opens his mouth to argue, the door-bell rings. He leaves the kitchen to see who it is, leaving me with the opportunity to replace his processed water with tap water. As soon as I finish re-filling my glass, Jeff walks into the kitchen with Abe and two other people in tow.

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