2.8 - Country Bumpkin Bestie

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"Why does Calum have a black eye?" Koleton asks as he enters the house with the food we ordered. I give Noelle a confused look before responding as I grab a few of the bags from him.

"I don't know, I only hit him once." I shrug, reaching into the bags and separating the food. I begin eating my fries when Noelle stands up.

"I'm going to go ask Ashton what happened. I'll be right back." She walks towards the front door and I give Koleton a knowing look causing him to laugh.

As soon as she leaves the house we let ourselves laugh loudly. He walks over to sit beside me at the counter as we eat our food.

"Is that a new ring?" He asks, pointing at my hand. "On your pointer finger."

"Yeah, I bought it the other day. I'm surprised you noticed, bestie." I look at my hand as if I wasn't the one that put the rings on it.

"I also noticed that you trimmed your hair." He responds, stuffing a few fries into his mouth and I raise my eyebrows.

"I'm impressed, Sherlock Holmes. Tell me, what else have you noticed about me?" I rest my head on my hand and he shakes his head.

"I noticed that you don't care what Jeff says because you end up doing what you want to do anyways, you always confess your real feelings in your music, and you hate liars." He takes a swig of his drink before looking at me. "Now back up before I head-butt you to get to the bag."

"Tell me more. Also, to be fair, you sat beside me." I inform him and he shakes his head.

"Where's your proof? I don't like you, remember?" He teases me and I roll my eyes, tossing a fry at him before taking a sip of my water.

Recently, Koleton and I have been getting closer. It's been nice since he's not that far from me, age-wise so I have someone other than the guys and Noelle to talk to. Not to mention I probably spend more time with him than anyone else.

"Are you ready for The Brit Awards?" Koleton asks, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"I honestly don't want to go." I shake my head and he furrows his eyebrows as if he can't believe the words that just left my mouth.

"Why not?"

"I just don't have anyone to go with. Its going to be weird going alone, especially with how the media portrays me. I feel like I have to live up to some impossible standard." I shrug, honestly not believing I'm opening up to him about this stuff.

"Well, if it means anything, you're nothing like what the media portrays you as." He opens his chicken sandwich and I smile.

"Thank you, and you're nothing like how I assumed you would be. I actually kind of like you when I'm sober."

"I'll take that as a compliment." He shakes his head and I laugh softly.

"Where are you from? Your accent is one I don't usually hear." I furrow my eyebrows as I push my fries around in the box.

"Tennessee. My accent has faded a lot though." He answers and I nod, not exactly knowing what it's supposed to sound like. "My sister has a really strong accent though. I'll have to show you a video of her sometime, her daughter is a big fan of yours."

"Seems like that's something the two of you have in common." I smile, knowing that my statement will make him roll his eyes.

"Don't lie to yourself, it's not going to get you anywhere." He shakes his head and I laugh, throwing another fry at him.

"You're not funny." I scoff, turning back to my food and he lets out a sigh.

"That must be why you always laugh."

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