"I'm sure she'll be fine soon," he said.

I felt a smile tugging on my face which soon turned into a grin.

"Well if you say so then it must be true Kakashi-sensai!" I said.

"Arff!" Akamaru barked on my head.

"Well then I think you ought to be going, don't you have training with Kurani?"

"Oh yeah! Thanks Kakashi-sensai!" I said grinning as I waved goodbye.

The day was full of hard training with Kurani-sensai, Hinata and Shino. We did a lot of practicing our jitsu's.

And the whole time I guess you could I wasn't depressed like I have been for the last week. Since Kakashi said Kasumi will be fine soon, I believe and trust him so I'll just wait and maybe visit Kasumi after or I'll see her tomorrow.

But she may not want to see me yet... But maybe she will and maybe she'll tell me evrything that has happened and we can go back to normal again. 


This'll work, I thought. It has too. 

I sat on top of the Hokage heads, it was a cool night, they sky was almost covered in clouds. Part of the moons light shown through but other wise it was dark. 

I chuckled to myself. He always was one to be late wasn't he? It's been 3 hours already.

And just as I thought that, I heard him appear behind me.

"So you decided to show," I said not bothering to turn to him.

"Well of course you knew I'd come but I ran into an old lady who needed help carrying her stuff so.."

"Yeah yeah," I said smiling. "I've heard all that before."

He smiled and sat down next to me.

"So your finally gona tell me what was up with you the past week?"

My smile dropped. It's all on me now to pull this one off. I thought.

"It... well I..." I stopped. Trying to find the words.

He motioned his hand in a circle as if to tell me to carry on. I sighed.

"I guess some of it has to do with the Hokage's death." I said and he averted his eyes from my gaze. "It's just.. I was very close with the Hokage and I thought of him as a grandfather... But when I saw him there..dead.. I... I just couldn't handle it.." I  could feel the tears in my eyes again but this time, it was part of my act. 

"Kasumi." said dad rubbing my back soothingly.

"And then..well you know that I sensed them come to the village and then I saw you like that and I.. I just couldn't handle it!" and cue to let the tears flow. "It's like I lost my grandfather and my father in two days!!"

He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into a hug but I contiuned.

"And.. I was to scared to lose anyone close to me so I pushed everyone away..." I felt his grip tighten so I huged him tighter too. "But then... Tsunade came and... you woke up and... everythings... everythings ok now." I said pulling away to look at my dad- No. I'll still call him Kakashi in my mind.

I smiled when I saw him.

"And now your back." I said.

He gave me one of his closed eye smiles.

Kakashi's daughter, is in love with Kiba!? (naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now