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(Dream P.O.V.)

"W-What does that mean?" I asked a bit nervously as Phil hummed softly before speaking

"Techno doesn't trust easily so for him to be willing to bring you to his home means you matter to him. Along side that he was willing to bring up his mother, Although she only died recently he still didn't bring her up much due to personal reasons I dont even know" He told me, standing up to make another batch of tea "Would you like tea?"

I nodded gently, shocked that the new information. I heard the shower turn off and waiting for Techno quietly, as Phil made more tea and Wilbur had begun an argument with the non-verbal child. 

After a while tea finished and Techno came out "Dad put the tea in travel mugs so we can get going" He said adjusting his cape, Phil called out a yes from the kitchen before peeking in the room.

"What tea do you boys want?" He asked.

"Whatever" I responded

"Chai" Techno said. Wilbur didnt respond, I assumed he liked a different drink than tea. Phil nodded at everyone and left before coming back with two travel mugs and handing them to me and Techno, we thanked Phil as he came back with one more handing it to Wilbur as Tommy was sitting on his lap. 

Phil grabbed Tommy and held him with one arm, he went back into the kitchen and grabbed the hopefully last travel mug before looking at everyone "Is everyone ready?" He asked, we all nodded or said yes or something like that. 

Phil led us to the car, "SHOTGUN!!" Wilbur called as Techno chuckled "Thats fine I was planning to sit with Dream anyways" Phil chuckled at as all, especially that Techno was going to sit with me, I think? Anyways, Phil put Tommy in his car seat before letting me and Techno climb in. Techno smiled at me and Tommy before buckling in. I buckled aswell.

I wrote down the addresses and let Phil put them into his GPS, The car ride wasn't long but wasn't short either. Soon enough we reached our destination, we all got out of the car before I nervously took a step towards the door before looking back to Techno. He chuckled and walked up with me, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to awnser. 

The door opened to reveal Sapnap


397 words

On The Other Side? ~A Dreamnoblade FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now