Chapter 30

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Chapter thirty || 서른 장

30| Love You Forevermore🥀

By the time we arrived home, Taehyung's jovial mood had disappeared. He was livid that the police had got their hands on a security tape from Yoongi's hotel; it was the one place outside of our home that we were supposed to be completely safe. And he was more than a little upset that anyone had seen us in the elevator together. He was muttering under his breath about Eunwoo and the police department being a bunch of perverts as he pulled up in front of the house.

"You ok Princess?" He asked kissing me briefly on the lips after helping me out of the car.

"Yeah, I just want this over with," I told him.

"Soon, I promise." He kissed me again, before taking my hand and going inside.

"Hey! Bonnie and Clyde are home," Jungkook laughed as we entered the living room to find everyone there.

"Jimin get on the computer and into the police files on Kai's case, I want to know exactly what information they have." Taehyung ignored Jungkook's comment and got right down to business.

"What happened?" Jennie asked, as Taehyung pulled out his phone and made a call.

I explained what the police had shown us to the others, half listening to Taehyung as he demanded Yoongi have everyone who had access to his security tapes in the basement by morning.

"I don't give a flying fuck how difficult that will be to organize, make it fucking happen," Taehyung angrily slammed his phone on the table and reached for his laptop.

I watched him nervously. He was tapping away at the computer furiously. He was stunning in his intensity, and I knew that things were about to get rough.

Taehyung's patience had finally worn thin with the police interference in our lives and one way or another it had to be resolved.

"Don't look so worried there Little y/n." Jungkook fell down into the sofa next to me. "V will sort this shit out," he said confidently.

"How?" I asked, I couldn't see any way out of it. I had shot Kai and eventually evidence would come to light to prove it.

"Who the fuck knows," Jungkook shrugged smiling, "But he's one smart, crafty motherfucker, and he won't let anything happen to you."

I nodded, I knew if it came down to it Taehyung would admit the charges rather than see me sent to jail.

I was terrified that I would lose him, I didn't want him locked away for something he hadn't done, I didn't want the boys to grow up without a father or a mother. They needed us and we needed each other, so somehow we had to figure out a way for both of us to be cleared of the crime so we could get on with our lives.

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