Chapter 16

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Chapter sixteen || 열여섯 장

Chapter sixteen || 열여섯 장 ____________________________

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16| Uncovered Secrets🗝️

There was a few seconds of silence around the table, my heart rate was going through the roof and my body seemed to have malfunctioned, so I was still stood crouched over in the same position I'd been in since Joy had pretty much ordered me to sit down and now I wasn't sure whether to fully get up and run or sit back down.

"Is that true Y/n?" Eunwoo asked looking ashen as he tried to get his head around this new information. If I hadn't been so panicked I would have felt sorry for him.

"Holy shit, you didn't know!" Joy looked at him incredulous. "Yes it's true, I just sat here and watched him drop her off, I didn't realise it was your precious y/n he was dropping off until she got to the table." She turned to me and scowled.

Well, Joy seems just lovely. I sat back in my seat and sighed.

"I asked you about the Kim's." Joy said angrily to Eunwoo. "How could you not know she was dating one?"

"You asked about Jin and Yoongi Kim, then you mentioned a Taehyung. How was I supposed to know it was the same Taehyung. I've never met the others."

"What about Jennie, Jungkook, Jimin and Rose?"

"They're Kim's too! I've met them all." Eunwoo said stunned.

"What!" Joy shouted loudly.

"Why the hell didn't you ask me about them, I would have put it together if you'd given me all their names. Jesus Joy I've had dinner with them!"

"They aren't as interested in them, and I figured if you didn't know the big guns you wouldn't know the rest of them. Shit what a massive fuck up." Joy shook her head. "We need to take her down to the station Eunwoo. Detective Park will want to talk to her, she might have information that will break his case, you know what's been happening these last few weeks."

"I'm not sure about that." Eunwoo said looking indecisive.

"Are you serious." She glared at him. "There's dead bodies turning up left, right and centre, clubs being shut down, the docks are a fucking war zone, and I'd bet my last dollar it's the Kims doing and she's had direct access to that family."

"I'll take her home and you can speak to Park, if he wants to talk to her then he can arrange that with the chief."

"Uh, hello, I'm not going anywhere with either of you." I decided to make my presence known because frankly I was fed up of the pair of them.

"y/n, I'm taking you home. How does your dad not know about this? Christ, I need to call him."

"No! I'll tell him. Please let me tell him."

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