Chapter 17

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Chapter seventeen ||열일곱 장

Chapter seventeen ||열일곱 장______________________________

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17| Grounded⛓️

I spent the next week moping around my house, I spent three days arguing with my dad and trying to convince him to let me see Taehyung, but he wasn't budging on his decision and he reiterated this frequently, so after that I just stopped talking to him. I ignored his attempts at conversation and eventually he gave up trying and instead just told me things without expecting a response.

I managed to speak to Taehyung often and he sounded as miserable as I was. He offered, begged and threatened to come over, we had several conversations about it, he would get gradually angrier and angrier with my father, his language got progressively worse and I lost count of all the times he shouted "Fuck this shit Princess, I'm coming to fucking get you." during our many phone calls.

For Taehyung it was all very simple, he wanted to see me, I wanted to see him, and he didn't care what my dad thought. His precise words were, "It's a motherfucking joke that your dad is being such a giant dick about this. Just let me come get you and if he has a problem with it, I'll tell him to fuck off." and as he had grown up with Mr. Kim and JaeIn, who had to be the most liberal parents going, he genuinely didn't understand why I wouldn't let him do that.

But I knew it would only make things a hundred times worse, and solidify my father's opinion that Taehyung was no good for me, so even though it broke my heart, I asked him to stay away and because he would do pretty much anything I wanted, he did, although he wasn't happy about it.

When school started back up, my dad took to dropping me off and picking me up, which not only annoyed the hell out of me, it was also hugely embarrassing. My friends hadn't changed much over the summer, with the exception of jessi who seemed to have just got bitchier and I barely concealed my rage at her insinuations that Taehyung had left me over the summer because he no longer picked me up from school.

I avoided her as much as possible because I just couldn't deal with her, but it was hard in a school with so few students and I swear she sought me out at times. I spent a lot of time with Angela in the library, I threw myself into studying and spent ages on my application to Seoul University.

Getting into college was still my only way out of Busan, although my reasons for wanting to leave were different now. Instead of just wanting to be as far away as I could get from the dreary town, now it was all about Taehyung and I. Getting into college meant we could start a life together that seemed impossible while I was living under my father's roof and Seoul seemed like the best choice because Taehyung could still work with Yoongi and we could be near his family.

Eunwoo returned to Busan the last week of August and my dad was over the moon. I was not and I refused to see him when he came to the house. He tried to talk to me several times through my shut bedroom door but I was having none of it. I knew the slant that he'd put on everything he told my dad about Taehyung had helped cement my dad's decision to keep us apart and while I hadn't expected Eunwoo to lie about what he knew, having witnessed how he and Joy twisted the truth in Seoul I just didn't trust him to not have done the same thing when he was relaying his information to my dad.

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