I quickly open the doors as quiety as possible, walk through, and speed over to the doors leading to the staircase. I keep my head down to avoid making eye contact with the person dribbling and shooting hoops.

'I am glad I came here early enough to avoid the crowd,'  I think before reaching the doors leading to a place where I can get a few minutes of peace.

Hasilty, I open the doors and walk through, leaving the doors to close themselves.

I look up, continuing to stand, and look around the area, making sure it was suitable to relax in. There was a metal cart full of old basketballs sitting in the corner under the stairs, collecting dust. There were a few exposed pipes, but that was to be expected. I shift my gaze up, looking at the stairs. At the top there was a large platform, connecting the two sets of stairs.

"Yep, this looks good enough," I said out loud, knowing no one would hear me. 

Slowly, I make my way up the stairs. As I take each step, I slowly feel my energy being drained bit by bit.

"Wow... I should workout more. If I can't walk up a few stairs without being tired, there's no way I'll be able to survive office work," I say out loud again. I sometimes talk to myself when I'm alone, it just helps me figure out things faster.

Not paying attention to where I'm, I trip on the last stair right before where the platform begins.

Already accepting my fate, I can feel myself falling in slow motion.

'So this is what it feels like to be the anime protagonist. Ohhh...um..what's the quote? I'm a failure? Yeah, I think that's right. Pfftt, my mind is way too funny,' was my final thought before I completely face-planted into the ground, my arms laying limply at my sides.

"Owwww," I said, my words being muffled by the floor. "That hurt a bit."

'No shit Sherlock'

"I love it when my own brain betrays me," I sarcastically say, pushing myself up with my arms, into a sitting position. 

The platform was bigger than I thought. The sun shone through the large windows, giving the entire room a relaxing aura. Looking closer, I saw the railing almost made a benchseat, wrapping around the wall, sticking out a bit, right under the window.

'It may not have been built for sitting on, but you bet I'm going to sit on it.'

I walk over to the corner of the rail, turn around, back to the window, and slightly jump, pulling myself onto the make-shift bench, in attempt to get my butt on it. After successfully pulling myself up, I lean my back against the glass and bring my right leg to be slightly bent in front of me, still on the railing. I leave my left leg somewhat hanging off, slightly swinging. I can feel the sun gently shining on my face as I close my eyes.

'Yeah, this is nice.'

I smile, enjoying the warm rays hitting my face. 

I open my eyes again, pulling out my phone with my earbuds messily wrapped around it. I quickly unravel them and start scrolling through my phone, trying to find my playlist with all my songs. Once I find it, I quickly hit shuffle and wait for the music to start, putting the earbuds in my ears. I close my eyes, continuing to wait for the music to load.

'I hope I get some relaxing music, I'm not really in the mood for anything really upbeat or fast.'

(Mr. Loverman by Ricky Mongomery. Video on top for reference )

I'm headed straight for the floor

Play that Song (Given x Reader) REPUBLISHED AND DISCONTINUED!!!Where stories live. Discover now