i eat children🤩🤩

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You followed Cameron into the bus. "YO (Y/N) WASSUP" Jean yelled as he saw you enter the bus.

"Bro shut the fuck up its 6:30.. way to early for that shit." The busses would leave at 6:40 since we had to drive 3 hours to get to the place we where staying. Cameron walked to the back of the bus where there was an open seat behind Jean and Marco and let you have the window seat since sometimes you get car sick if you don't look out the window.

"Sorry about him, he gets a little crazy in the mornings" Marco the sweet freckled face boy said to you turning around in his seat.

"I do not" Jean pouted and nudged Marco's side. "Anyways, Cameron want to switch seats so I can make out with (Y/N)." Jean looked to Cameron who's eye brows raised like 'really' and just ignored Jean.

"Jean stop hitting on (Y/N), she clearly doesn't like you." You heard a familiar voice come from the seat across from you and Cameron.

"Shut up Eren you don't understand the pain of loneliness." Jean sighed and sat back down properly in his seat.

"Oh hi (Y/N)~~~" Said a high pitched voice next to Eren "I'm surprised you ditched your kid to come on this trip, I mean since you don't have anyone else to take care of it." Just hearing Ashley's annoying voice gave you a headache.

"Ashley that was a little mean don't you think?" Eren furrowed his eyebrows at his girlfriend disapproving her sudden change of attitude.

"Aw why are you taking her side don't you love me?" Ashley pouted to Eren looking at him with puppy eyes. Eren sighed.

"Yes you know I love you." Eren stroked Ashley long blonde straight hair.

"Then prove it." Ashley licked her lips and a side of her mouth lifted into a smirk. Eren took the hint and started making out with her so she moved her position to be on his lap still kissing him.

"Um chile anyways.. " For a random reason it kind of hurt you to see Ashley all over him like that, 'no stop thinking that (Y/N) their dating, besides he's just a friend.'

"You know (Y/N) that could be us right now." Jean pointed at Eren and Ashley then winked at you. You flicked Jeans forehead and sighed.


"Do you guys wanna play never have I ever?" Connie asked a group of us in the back.

"Yeah sure why not" Cameron replied.

"Yeah might as well." Eren added.

"You gonna play (Y/N)?" Jean looked towards you who was not paying attention at all but just agreed because why not. 

"Alright we each get 5 fingers." Everyone held up 5 fingers and Connie started the game. "Never have I ever cheated in a relationship" No one put their finger down.

"Never have I ever given a lap dance" Sasha asked the group next. You and Ashley put a finger down. Eren, Jean and Cameron looked at you shocked because they never thought that you would have given a lap dance before.

"We're gonna have a serious conversation later" Cameron looked at you suspicious that you were hiding other things. "Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex without it being a game." You were the only one who put a finger down. "What the fuck (Y/N) what else aren't you telling me."

"Bruh I literally told you that I hooked up with Ymir for a while." Your expression dulled.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot about that." Cameron scratched his head and chuckled.

"WAIT IS THAT WHY YOU WONT HOOK UP WITH ME?! YOU LIKE GIRLS?!" Jean was shocked, he never would've guessed that you liked girls.. but he was mostly wrong.

𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝙚. 𝙟𝙖𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙧Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat