Things you Can't Do

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Being that Aspies are so normal looking, as in you can't always tell that we are autistic, we often get treated as though we are 100% normal. But the thing is, we don't have social skills like everyone else. We can be trained to look at you and have pre-made sentences that help us talk on command, but that doesn't mean we always comprehend what we are being asked. We may think we are answering you when really we are parallel.

You cannot expect us to be amazing at social skills or even particularly good. Talking to us takes patience and you should probably speak as literally as you can. Granted that that rarely happens, if you notice that we seem confused, explain yourself.  And if you scare us off, talking over us or getting upset when we are trying our hardest, we will shut down and you are screwed. Also, if we are having fun, dancing or being truly ourselves, the best way to ruin that and make us feel bad is to tell us we aren't allowed to do that. Sure, we should be told that when it's inappropriate. But when its fine, the best way to make us feel bad is to tell us we can't when we technically can.

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