The calm after a storm

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As hard as we work to exist in your world, and as much as we try not to let ourselves get overwhelmed, there are days when we lose the battle. We scream and cry and hit things or ourselves. We shut down and rock or curl up in a corner. We wear ourselves out and its like a tornado runs through us. We can learn to do things to calm down faster. People who work with us try and help, they hug us or talk us down from screaming crying mess we are. Sometimes others get hurt and we almost always do.

And then, when its over, we have either been calmed or have worn ourselves out, we are back to our calm, seemingly unfeeling selves and can function on the edge of a meltdown canyon indefinitely until we truly feel better. We of course feel better around someone who is less likely to trigger a meltdown. We don't like screaming and crying. We'd rather talk and express it in a normal way but we can't. Safety and security are worth gold. We don't get them very often. And after a meltdown we are sorry we made a scene.

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