Part 1

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Hey guys, I know this pairing might be a bit controversial but this idea has been in my head for quite some time now, so I just had to write it.

Also, I'm all for normalizing different sexualities and orientations and all of that, so that also includes polyamory.

Don't like it, don't read it :)


After qualifying, Lando was on his way over to the Williams hospitality to meet up with George and Alex.

Before the season had started, the three friends had agreed, that they would have dinner at a fancy restaurant together to celebrate, when George would get into Q2 for the first time. And this day had finally come. George had actually managed to get into Q2 in his Williams, so it was definitely time for a little celebration now.

Lando stopped dead in his tracks, however, when he turned around the corner and saw Alex and George already standing there, right in front of George's room, apparently having their very own little celebration.

Alex' had slung his arms around the younger one's neck, while George's hands were lying on his waist, holding him close.

Lando had subconsciously held his breath. Alex and George were kissing. Right there, right in front of him.

All of a sudden Lando felt really cold. The excitement he had felt only a few seconds ago was gone. All happiness seemed to have left his body right at this moment.

He didn't want to celebrate anymore. The only thing he felt like doing now, was crying.

So he turned on his heel and rushed back to his own motorhome, tears already burning in his eyes, blurring his vision.

Due to this, he bumped right into someone, running down the hall. "F-fuck, sorry!" the Brit managed to get out, his voice shaking.

"Lando, what's wrong?" Carlos immediately turned into a worried big brother when he saw his teammate's tears. He threw one arm around Lando's slumped shoulders and led him into his driver's room.

There he softly pressed the younger one onto the couch, not letting go, as he sat down beside him.

This gesture made Lando break. The silent tears turned into sobs, as he leaned against his best friend, who was gently patting his back now, whispering soothing Spanish words Lando couldn't understand.

After a short while the crying had died down and Lando was only sniffling from time to time. Carlos gently pushed his teammate away a little, so he could look at him. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Lando looked unsure for a second before he blurted out the whole story on what he had just seen and how it made him feel with a few short pauses to blow his nose in between.

"I know as a friend I should be happy for them but...I just felt so sad and jealous when I saw them together. I'm a horrible person.", he ended his little rant.

Carlos smiled a little. "You're not a horrible person! You've been single for a long time, it's completely okay to feel lonely and jealous of everyone else who's in a relationship."

"But I don't feel like that with any other couple though. I don't get this feeling when I think of Charles and Charlotte or you and Isa. It's only them. Why can't I just be happy for my friends?"

"What kind of feeling is it?" Carlos tried to keep his voice as calm and nonchalant as possible but he had a hunch now.

Lando blushed. "Like someone just stabbed me in the chest."

"Ok, close your eyes.", Carlos ordered and his teammate furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Just do it, Lando. Trust me." the Spaniard's voice got softer again. Lando sighed and closed his eyes.

"Now imagine Alex and George together. Imagine them kissing, just like you saw earlier. Do you have the image in your mind?"

"Yes, but why-" Lando tried to ask but was interrupted by his teammate again. "Shut up and do what I say, I'm trying to help you."

"Fine." he gave in and closed his eyes again.

"Now I want you to imagine yourself in this exact situation again. But you're not looking at them anymore, instead, you're the one being kissed, okay?"

Lando just nodded, his face turning even redder than before.

"Are you imagining it?" Lando nodded again before a slight smile crept onto his lips.

"Okay, open your eyes.", the older one instructed after a few moments. Lando blinked a few times, seeming a little disorientated. "How did it feel?"

The Brit hesitated for a moment, before looking down at his shoes and mumbling "Unbelievable. Like a million butterflies were loose in my chest and stomach. I felt like I'm in one of those really cheesy rom-coms."

"That's exactly how it's supposed to feel, Lando." Carlos grinned. "Now, who was kissing you?" he asked expectantly.
"What?" Lando's head shot up again.

"When you imagined that you're the one getting kissed. Was it by Alex or George?"
"I-It was Alex at first but..." Lando hesitated.

"But?" Carlos didn't want to push Lando but his curiosity outweighed his reason now.
"But then it was George."

"Okay, but when did you feel the butterflies?" Carlos got slightly impatient now while Lando looked at him confused. "You're not supposed to feel like this every time you get kissed?"

"No, only when you have feelings for the other person." Only now Carlos realized, how little experience his younger teammate actually had when it came to love.
Lando furrowed his brows and closed his eyes again. "Let me try again."

After a few moments, he opened his eyes again, panic and confusion clearly visible on his face now.

"You felt it both times, didn't you?"
Lando only nodded sheepishly.

"Lando, I think you might be in love with both of them."
The Brit stared at him, his mouth slightly open. "But how is that possible?"

"Love has its own ways, pequeño." Carlos smiled, patting his shoulder once again.

Equilateral [Lando Norris x Alex Albon x George Russell]Where stories live. Discover now