Part 5

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Lando just stared at his friend, not able to say a single word.

"It's you, Lando. It has always been you." George's one hand squeezed Lando's a little, while he brought the other one up to rest on the smaller Brit's cheek, his thumb wiping away the rest of the tears there.

Lando opened his mouth to say something but still, nothing came out. He felt paralyzed. He could only sit and stare.

The sound of George's ringing phone bursting through the silence made him jump slightly. The older one seemed a little startled as well, as he let go of him to reach into his pocket.

"Oh shit, I have to go! I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about the team meeting. We'll talk later, okay?" George bent down and placed a featherlight kiss on Lando's cheek before he rushed out the door.

Lando's hand reached up to the spot where George's lips had touched his skin only seconds ago. His skin was tingling lightly and a small smile formed on his face.

"Okay.", he whispered, even though George was already gone.


"What?" Alex looked at his boyfriend in disbelief. "George, I swear to God, if this is one of your stupid jokes, I'm going to kill you."

"It's definitely not, I promise.", George smiled.
Alex knew this love-drunk smile on his boyfriend's face all too well.

"And you're sure it was not a misunderstanding? You're sure he wasn't just kidding?" he nervously bit his lower lip.

"Yes babe, he was crying his eyes out. I'm absolutely sure he was being honest. He's in love with both of us." George grabbed his boyfriend's hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Wow.", was all Alex managed to get out, a big smile spreading across his lips as well now.

"I was hoping to see this reaction." The Williams driver squeezed his hand a little. "So I guess, I'm not wrong with my deduction, that you still love him just as much as I do?"

"Definitely not wrong." Alex blushed a little at this confession. "But what are we gonna do about it now?"

"We'll ask Lando to go on a date with us.", the other smirked but then quickly got serious again, as he took his boyfriend's other hand in his own, too.

"But we have to be completely sure about this. I don't want to ruin our relationship or friendship with this. So if one of us has even the tiniest little doubt or gets jealous, we have to be honest and openly talk to each other about it, okay?"

"Deal.", Alex nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Then I'd say let's go and get ourselves a date."


"Hey! We weren't sure if you would actually show up." George grinned, as he opened the door to Alex' apartment, a few days later.

Lando smiled shyly as he stepped in and took off his shoes. "I'm sorry for avoiding you for so long and for being so awkward about this now. It's just ... all so different and new to me." The McLaren driver blushed a little.

"It's different and new to us, as well." Alex, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled, as they entered the living room.

"But we'll figure it out together.", George added, as he sat down too and patted the space in between them for Lando to join them.

The younger one hesitated for a quick moment before he walked over and took a seat in between his friends. His best friends who were also his dates tonight. He still couldn't quite believe it.

When Alex and George had invited him to come over for some pizza and a movie, earlier that week, they had made it outstandingly clear, that this was not just them hanging out as friends.

And Lando was so relieved and thankful to have this clarity, so he had at least one less thing to overthink and worry about.

However, it also made him even more nervous. He had never been on a proper date before. There had just never really been a person he had wanted to actually go on a date with. And now there was not just one, but two people he liked, who apparently also felt the same about him.

How was this not a dream?

They decided to play some video games to pass the time until their pizza arrived.

This helped to almost immediately diffuse the awkward tension between them. They were soon back to their usual banter and jokes, their nervousness almost completely forgotten.

"You sneaky little bastard, I can't believe you did that again!", Alex exclaimed, when Lando had won the second match in a row, using some rather questionable methods.

When Lando just grinned and stuck his tongue out, the taller one leapt at him and started tickling him.

"Alex no ... please stop ... I'm sorry ... Alex, please!", was the only thing Lando could get out in between screams and giggles.

"I won't stop until you promise to never do it again.", Alex smirked and gave the younger boy, who had somehow ended up lying below him, a short break to breathe and talk.

Lando seemed to be thinking for a moment before grinning mischievously.
"Never!" He tried to push Alex off and get away but the Red Bull driver quickly reacted, grabbed both of his wrists and pinned him down to the couch again.

Both of their smiles faded when they noticed the position they were now in.
Alex was still holding Lando's wrists down next to the sides of his head while sitting on top of him, straddling his hips.

Lando was still a little out of breath from being tickled. Apparently, his brain had suffered from the lack of oxygen as well, because he was already imagining things now. Or had Alex' face really come closer?

The brit blinked a few times.
Yes, Alex was definitely leaning down and taking glances down at his lips every few seconds. Their faces were only millimetres apart now.

Lando's eyes fluttered shut when he felt Alex's shaky breath on his skin.

Just when their lips were about to touch, the ringing of the doorbell made them frantically jump apart, eyes wide with shock.

George came to their view again, hurrying towards the door while awkwardly trying to rearrange the jeans he was wearing a little, to hide the hint of a bulge that had formed there and mumbling something that sounded suspiciously close to "I'm gonna murder this fucking pizza delivery guy."

Equilateral [Lando Norris x Alex Albon x George Russell]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя