Abandoned Warehouse

Start from the beginning

Everyone nodded and we headed off towards the Bunker.


The first thing Felicity said to us as we walked in was, "Oh, god." She barely spared any of us a glance as she sped-walked towards Percy who still laid unconscious in my arms. 

Curtis handed Felicity the coins while I put set him on a metal table and cut off the sleeve to his shirt. When I saw his wound, the first thing I noticed was the amount of blood he lost. The gauze around his wound from yesterday had also started bleeding through. So I quickly got to work once again, sterilizing and bandaging his arm and redoing his bandages from yesterday. I finished in ten minutes flat, and when I did, I couldn't help but sit back in a chair and sigh with relief. 

Rory and Rene carried the kid in the large cage and cuffed him with Barry's meta-cuffs as an extra precaution. 

"He's obviously not gonna wake up any time soon. So there's no point in just sitting here until he wakes up." Felicity suggested. "You guys should go out and do something like go after leads for Church or something.

"She's right. That fall he took was pretty harsh, plus both the arrow wounds he got. I won't be surprised if he didn't wake up until the day after tomorrow," said Rory. 

"Speaking of Church, do we even have any leads on him? I feel like we've been through and followed each one, but every one leads to a dead end that makes us just farther from catching him," Diggle frowned. 

I opened my mouth to say something, but a familiar ring of my phone interrupted me. My hand flew to my pockets but my phone wasn't there. My eyes scanned the room until I noticed it was right next to Felicity. She passed the phone to me, and I gave a cursory glance at who was calling me before picking up.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone, feeling everyone's eyes watching me. 

Quentin started speaking on the other side of the phone. He said a few words, and my eyes widened. I nodded but I realized that he couldn't hear me. "We're on our way." 

"They found Church at an abandoned warehouse."

And we all ran out of the bunker.


We arrived at the warehouse in record time, all of us just a little ecstatic to be close to Church after all this time. We decided to split up and to search the perimeter before going in. Since we got here so quickly, we got here before any police squads did. We only heard their sirens in the distance, slowly coming in our direction.

Inside the warehouse, I saw Rene and Curtis upstairs going separate directions. Rene's guns were locked and loaded and Curtis seemed to have brought his T-Balls. I sighed, remember reminding Curtis to not bring them, but they rendered themselves not completely useless as they saved our lives last week. I cleared my head and took an arrow out of my quiver. I paced around the first floor, my footsteps silent, the only evidence that I was even there was the soft sound of my breathing. I began searching for anyone or anything. Within a minute, my comms crackled and John started speaking, "I found something. Northwest corridor, first floor."

I immediately ran towards that direction and found a big room, bigger than the one I was in before. Rene and Curtis trailed in after me, their loud footsteps bothering me with every step. "Could you not be so loud?" I whispered rather harshly. None of them said anything because they kept staring at the room we were in. Barrels and boxes filled the room, John was already standing by one. And picked something out of the barrel. "Guns," his eyes widened and turned to us. I ran to one of the boxes and found even more guns. Rene and Curtis did the same. "These are the missing ones from yesterday." And I nodded.

"But why would they just leave them here unguarded?" Curtis asked.

It all clicked in place, and I managed to spin around and point my arrow somewhere in the air before hearing that oh-so familiar voice echo across the room. "Well, that's the real question, isn't it?" The team spun around in their spots, trying to search for the source of Church's voice, but in the vast, dark room, it was hard to pinpoint where exactly he was. 

"Boys, kill all of them," we heard Church command, most likely at the other gang members hiding in the darkness, their guns aimed at us. We heard multiple nocks of a gun. 

"What do we do, Hoss?" Rene whispered to me, turning towards me for guidance. I was sure everyone else felt that they had no way out of this, but I wasn't convinced.

"We fight."


OKAY HI! THANK YOU GUYS FOR 500 VIEWS :D I love you allll 💖💖

I wanna dedicate da chapter to That_Dork_Taffy  and DivillanBlueStar
Thank you for making me laugh with your funny comments and thanks for always being active on my chapters!

Okay sorry this chapter isn't that good though, I didn't have any ideas. I'll probably make a better one next time!

👋 Byeeeee

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