"great seeing you again louis, harry" shawn nodded walking away.

"whose gonna get pregnant first?" zayn laughed. we rolled our eyes and nudged him.

we once again all split off grabbing baby items and furniture. they were having a baby girl, so the obvious choice was neutral colours apparently?

"we are gonna go pay" liam speaks, hand in hand with zayn. they were pushing the cart together. "maya already went out to the car"

"alright, meet you there?" i spoke

zayn smiled. "yeah be out in a bit" they walked off.

we are happy for both liam and maya, along with zayn. we all heard why they were both hesitant to get together...

liam knew whoever he dates would potentially be another parent for their little girl. zayn was hesitant about helping raise a child, but knew he would stay and love her unconditionally no matter what... actually they both knew.


louis was quickly sweeping the floor of our apartment. making sure nothing was on the floor. just then there was a buzzing sound through the living room. "come up" i spoke pressing the button down.

shortly after there was a knock at the door. louis threw the broom on the ground and went to open the door. i held back a smile picking it back up and placed it against the wall before waking to the door.

"hey there big j" louis cooed holding jackson in his arms. jackson in return grabbed louis' nose and shook it in his tiny hand.

"louis, thanks again! it really does mean a lot"

"id do anything for you and jackson" he smiled

shawn paused for a second. "i see so much of your mum in you..."

louis' eyes dimmed a little, but he smiled in memory of her "i see her in all the girls" i saw a tear in his eyes. i kissed him in the head, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"you guys look like a family" shawn smiled at us pulling out his phone. "right ive got to go... thanks again"

"anytime" i spoke out, grabbing the babys bag from his hands.

"bye jackster" he kissed his son the head before walking down the hallway.

i closed the door and walked over to the couch. louis was teaching the eight month old how to fist bump, i couldnt explain the feel in my stomach.

"quick question how have i never met them til now?" i asked picking up the baby and placing him on my lap.

"shawns busy.. working and raising j bird on his own, i really only see him when i see mum sometimes"

"he definitely cares about jackson, i can tell"

"he does... he was one of my mums friends in year nine actually"

i was about to responded when jackson tried to come into the conversation himself "babababa" he babbled.

"arent you just the cutest- and smelliest thing to ever crawl the planet" i laughed smelling his full diaper.

louis got up and grabbed the diaper bag and we both headed to our room. louis seemed to handle it like a pro, i struggled a bit tho.

in record time louis got a new diaper on jackson, i guess growing up with four younger siblings helps a lot.

"you prepared for the longest five hours of your night?"

"i dont think itll be that bad" i picked jackson up, as lou laughed a little. "you arent used to babies hazza... one day you will though"

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