"i believe the word tossed around when i was younger was prodigy. anyways, i have awards from all over the world but what good are they! i'm still playing at shitty cocktail bars." his eyes seemed to roll back at that, "what do you two do?"

jimin seemed to hesitate, glancing at tae who looked on the brink of an idenity crisis, "we dabble! tae models and helps out with the family business. my father owns real estate so i basically just promote!"

"a socialite?" jin raised a brow, "yoongi, where did you pick these two up?"

neither was quite sure if that was an insult but the mint-haired man seemed to roll with it, "jungkook's shop! can you believe it?"

"i can. the one looks like a tad like that guy jungkook hooked up-,"

tae had to bite his tongue as jin let his eyes scan all over the younger.

"jin! that's enough of that!" yoongi plopped into a vacant chair, pulling jimin into his lap, his arms wrapped loosely around the male's waist.

jimin couldn't hide the blush pooling over his features, "so hobi, what are you designing?"

"great collection of knit wear and hand embroidered, repurposed clothing. i have a bit of a bright and oversized style..." the male continued, talking with his hands and expressing himself with an unusual amount of energy.

mostly everyone seemed absolutely fascinated by what he had to say, intrigued just by the way he dressed and acted but tae was fixated on something else- on jungkook to be precise.

he was across the way looking extremely dapper with his arm on the waist of that girl- his girlfriend who was prettier than anyone could picture. they looked to be a perfect matched, one adorned in leather, the other in lace and jungkook seemed to catch her eyes every time she spoke. like she was speaking the sweetest poem and he couldn't be more intrigued.

tae wondered if jungkook would notice him, sitting here with a mixed group of friends in a space that was dedicated to the younger, set up to display his own stuff. he wished they could just connect one on one, swoop off somewhere in private. he wanted to know about what inspired him, what drove him, what his girlfriend had that made him so wrapped around her finger?

"what are you looking at?" jin had leaned closer to tae, his chin on the male's shoulder as the two stared into the same line of sight.

taehyung jumped at the feeling of warm breath at the tip of his ear, "n- nothing! i was looking at the paintings."

"well jungkook doesn't do self portraits, pretty sure that guy you're staring at is the real deal." jin pretended to be disinterested, scanning for any debris beneath his freshly manicured nails, "are you interested in him?"

"in- interested?" taehyung grumbled beneath his breath, embarrassed he'd been caught, "i just think he's talented, that's all!"


"really!" tae seemed to take all the air from the room, holding it, waiting to release; he sighed, "besides he has a girlfriend anyways and look at how they look at each other."

jin glanced around to make sure nobody was listening in, "between you and me, it's not that serious. and jungkook loves a bold move."

"a bold move?"

"something that catches his attention and makes him feel like he's not the only one in charge... if you know what i mean."

"he's right!" yoongi popped up from his place in the seating arrangement, "jungkook feels inclined to be in charge of everything so when somebody shows him that he doesn't have too- major turn on."

peace | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now