Just the Messenger

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

I was rather annoyed at the moment, not to mention very surprised. Mearing had called Carly, Sam, and me into her office and all we had been doing for the past ten minutes is sit and wait as she and her little assistant filed countless amounts of paper work. All I wanted was to go home and go to sleep. Today hadn't exactly gone the way I planned so I wouldn't mind being released to leave. Plus, I didn't exactly want a confrontation with Mearing after the incident back in the hangar. I didn't exactly feel like getting arrested tonight for something as petty as hitting a federal officer.

"Total nightmare file," Mearing said as she waved a yellow note in the air. I groaned and crossed my legs only to have Mearing shoot me a look before finally speaking to us. "So, the investigation is open. We've sent agents to your office and for the time being we're going to send you both home with Autobot protection."

I came home to an Autobot every single night so there was nothing new here.

"Who do I need to speak to to get you guys to understand that I can help? That Lea and I can help? That we can contribute?" Sam retorted.

Brains jumped onto her desk. "Hey, we can all help. Want me to tell you what I know? I can tell you about the solar system and all the fun planets to hang out on," he chimed.

I smiled at him, but Mearing had other plans. She took out a gun and laid it down on her desk in a threatening manner. "Get off my desk please."

Brains mumbled a few words before he jumped down to the floor. Mearing rolled her eyes at the retreating Autobot and I rolled my eyes at her. I was getting so sick of the way she was treating them. I thought I just made this clear half an hour ago. 

"What do you envision for us? We go home, go back to work, make copies? I mean really," Sam said.

Mearing gave him a hard look. "This is a unit for veteran intelligence officers and special forces. It's not for boys who once owned special cars or for mouthy little girls who have fallen in love with big trucks," she countered.

I glared at her. She obviously didn't know who I was, but if she made one more remark she would definitely be finding out. 

"That's a bit harsh, isn't it ma'am?" Carly remarked.

"Don't call me ma'am. I'm not a ma'am."

She sure didn't look like a ma'am either, I'll tell you that. 

"But you're a woman aren't you?" Carly asked quietly.

Mearing just gave her a look and Sam cleared his throat. "Are those yours?" he asked as he pointed to a shelf of medals.

"Yeah. CIA."

I smiled at Sam. It's been months since he got his medal yet he was still so proud of it. It was understandable though. I would be proud of myself too if I got a medal from the president.

"I only ask because I also have a medal. It's from the president."

Mearing didn't seem to care much about this though. She only continued on with the subject at hand. "Yeah. Great. So it's not that complicated right? No one gets to work with the Autobots unless I approve it. You're breaking my chain of command," she told us.

I scoffed and stood up. "Come on, Sam."

He and Carly stood up, as did Mearing. "With all do respect young man, I appreciate what you did; I appreciate what both of you did. But you're not soldiers, you're messengers; you've always been messengers."

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