chapter thirteen

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THE MORNING OF the last Quidditch match of the term was bitterly cold and windy

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....THE MORNING OF the last Quidditch match of the term was bitterly cold and windy. Jackie had woken up to the sounds of Benny's positive affirmations that she was chanting to herself in the mirror and the frosty chill in the room.

As Jackie sat in the stands squashed between Elizabeth and Remus Lupin of all people, she longed for the warmth of the Slytherin fireplace. Remus had gotten plenty of odd stares for sitting in the Slytherin stands but considering Sirius and James were both playing and Peter was in detention, it was preferable to sitting alone.

Gryffindor was the first team to come out of the changing rooms to the tune of the Hogwarts school song. James flew out first as proud and assured as ever. Sirius came out next, doing loops and twirls on his broomstick, earning him a few loud cheers. His beater uniform bulked him out and his hair was pulled back from his face. Jackie had to admit that he looked quite handsome.

She felt Remus tense up oddly beside her upon Sirius' arrival and she could hear him taking deeper breaths from where he was seated. Remus stared at his feet awkwardly when Sirius pulled up the bottom of his jersey to wipe the sheen of sweat off his forehead revealing a taut, toned stomach. Maybe he was worried about Sirius' safety.

Next out was the Slytherin team, much less playful than the Gryffindors. Benny soared out on her broomstick and Jackie clapped and cheered loudly for her friend. Benny's short hair whirled around her face in the wind and she ran a hand through it casually. She shot a grin towards Jackie and Elizabeth as she flew past which Jackie returned.

Lizzie however had gone bright red and was acting just as twitchy and starstruck as Remus had been just a few minutes ago. Jackie stared at the two in wonder. "What the bloody hell is going on with you two?" she asked in bewilderment.

Their nervous coughs and fidgeting were almost simultaneous, and Jackie didn't have a clue what they were so caught off-guard by.

Well, that was until Regulus came out very last of all.

His flying was as graceful as his usual stroll and his reflexes were agile and quick. But Jackie wasn't too focused on his Quidditch abilities. She was a little preoccupied with looking at the lean muscles in his arms that she had never seen outside of his tight Quidditch jersey. Also, maybe she was just a little bit interested in the stern concentration that his grey eyes held. And perhaps a tiny part of her was focused on the way his dark curls looked messy and ruffled in the wind.

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