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Simon woke up to the smell of Dave making pancakes in the kitchen. He was the first one to get up, so he tried not to wake up his brothers. He walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Dave was making breakfast. "Dave," he said. "Oh," Dave said happily, "Good morning Simon." "Good morning," Simon replied, "How was your date last night?" "It went very well," Dave replied with cheerfully, "I think this relationship could go pretty far. How did you guys do home alone last night?" "Pretty good," Simon said hesitantly, "Only there's something I need to tell you about Alvin." Dave frowned, he knew then it probably wasn't good. "Last night, Theodore and I were making dinner and Alvin was watching TV in your room..." "My room?" Dave questioned confused, "Why would he be watching TV in my room?" "You're about to find out," Simon said, "We couldn't find him at first, but we found him in your room, watching an R rated movie." Dave gasped and his jaw dropped. "W-What movie?!" he almost shouted. "The Wedding Crashers," Simon replied frowning. "What?!" This time he actually shouted, "That boy's so grounded!" "I-it gets worse, Dave," Simon hesitated, Dave frowned even more, "H-he was hoping it was porn." Dave gasped and covered Simon's mouth.
"Sorry," he said pulling his hand away from Simon's mouth, "That's just not something I'd expect to hear you say. Do you know what that is?" "Sorta," Simon replied, "It's an X rated movie." "We'll stick with that definition until you're older," Dave replied a little relieved that Simon didn't know any detail of it, but he was still upset about Alvin watching an R rated movie. "Did you see anything on the screen when you caught him?" "W-well," Simon hesitated then whispered as his face turned bright red, "I-I saw...breasts." Dave gasped once more. "Oh gosh," he said as he ran his fingers through his hair, "What about Theodore?" Simon's face was still a little red. "Well," he said, "he said he didn't because I covered his eyes and turned off the TV before he could look at the screen." Dave sighed. "I hope that's true," he said, "Is that all?" "Uh-huh," Simon replied. Dave sighed again with relief. "Okay," he said, "Thank you for letting me know, I'll make sure this is taken care of." "No problem," Simon said as he sat at the table waiting for Dave to finish making the pancakes. Five minutes later, Alvin and Theodore came down in their pajamas. "Alvin," Dave said sternly, "Is their something you'd like to tell me about?" Alvin immediately knew what Dave was talking about. "N-no," he replied, lying nervously. "Al-vin," Dave said showing his anger. "Okay," Alvin gave in, "I watched The Wedding Crashers last night." "Uh-huh," Dave said as he served breakfast, and Simon and Theodore dug in. Alvin began eating as well, "and?" "Um," Alvin hesitated, "I thought it was porn?" "Would you like to explain to me what on earth you were thinking?" Dave said angrily but calmly. "Well," Alvin began, knowing he really had no other choice, "Some kids at school were talking about porn and I wanted to see what it was, so I watched The Wedding Crashers." "Alvin," Dave said sternly, "You know you're not allowed to watch stuff like that! Do you even know what porn is? Because that's not porn!" "Y-yeah," Alvin answered nervously, "I-It's an X rated movie." "Well," Dave said still very angry, "We'll go with that for now, but I'm very disappointed in you!" "How long am I grounded for?" Alvin asked as he stared down at the table. "A week," Dave replied calming down, "No TV, and no playing outside." Alvin frowned. "But..." Alvin began to complain, but stopped himself when Dave shot him an angry glance, "Yes Dave."

"Anyway," Dave said, "I have to work late tonight, but because of this, I'm not comfortable leaving you three home alone anymore. Problem is, I don't know if I can find a babysitter." "Well," Theodore spoke up, "What about Brenda?" "Hm," Dave thought about that suggestion, "That's a good idea. I'll call her and ask after breakfast." After breakfast, Dave called Brenda. "Hello?" she said. "Hey Brenda," Dave said, "It's me, Dave." "Oh, hi Dave," she said cheerfully. "I was just wondering if you could watch my boys tonight," he said, "I have to work late and Alvin broke one of my rules last night, so I can't leave 'em home alone for a while." "Sure!" she said cheerfully, "What time should I be there?" "About 6:30," he replied. "Okay," she said, "bye." "Bye," he said as he hung up, "Well good news! You now have a babysitter for tonight!" Then he thought of something bothered him a bit. "Simon," he said thoughtfully, "You know this isn't because I think you're a bad babysitter, right?" "Oh, yeah, I know," Simon said smiling up at Dave to reassure him that he was telling the truth. "Okay," Dave said, "Because this is 100 because of Alvin's mistake, and I just wanna be sure it doesn't happen again." "I know, Dave," Simon said smiling still, "I fully understand." "Good," Dave said with a smile as he lifted up Simon and hugged him.

Keep holdin' on to your britches! Chapter 4 should be on soon! Comments would still be much appreciated!

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